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View Full Version : My Heater Matrix Replacement Guide

12-01-2008, 19:17
first of all, ill apologise, to all the people who have been waiting for me to do this and post a guide up

and then to Lunner, who i got on the phone to try and help me with it

but, its beaten me, i couldnt do it !

my main problem was that the pipes going into the bulkhead had jubilees on them, which were facing down, grrr, yes i could have jacked the car up, took the arch lining out etc, but i have ABS so my access would still have been $hite, got most of the dash apart and pulled forward and up quite a bit

basically my advice is, check those pipes going through the bulkhead and if you cant get them off, dont even start the job

i wont be attempting this again lol, ive spent hours today on it with no results, and my interior is still in bits as its gone dark

if it wasnt my daily driver car i could have tried a few more drastic measures like cutting the pipes off etc but i cant be without my car so ive given up

maybe if id had the luxury of the ramps at work id have done it, as i could have got to those jubilees easy then, maybe lol

12-01-2008, 19:49
Gutted to hear that mate! if you can get someone who has done one to help you, as for the jubilee clips you can get a flexi screwdriver that you can bend over 90 degrees, would be good in a situation like that!


12-01-2008, 20:03
practically those flexi screwdrivers you are looking at about 45 degs, 90 at a push, but still won't turn 180 degs, recon you could have got to them if you hadn't had the ABS in the way

12-01-2008, 20:15
my screwdriver kit has a flexi that bends happily over 90 degrees about 180 when it wont bend no further, it is a fancy britool one tho, but i do have a jubilee clip screwdriver that goes about 90 worked ok on mine when i did ut but i dont have abs :S

12-01-2008, 20:26
cant you get a 7 or 8 mm 1/4" Rachett over the Jubilee Clip...?

12-01-2008, 21:04
Could you not dremel/grind the top of the jubillee to break them off?

Could be risky with damaging the pipe i suppose...my hands certianly aren't steady enough!

12-01-2008, 21:30
no way could i get a dremel in the space mate, really struggle to get my hands anywhere near with a screwdriver


will have to try a flush see if that does anything

12-01-2008, 21:31
no way could i get a dremel in the space mate, really struggle to get my hands anywhere near with a screwdriver


will have to try a flush see if that does anything

14-01-2008, 01:41
I've been meaning to do mine for months now, need to flush the system first and see if that helps it. Everyone seems to struggle with it so i hope i dont have to!

14-01-2008, 02:24
I think I need to do this on my J plater

Might as well do it on LMG too, I'll see if i can try and document it to help others (LMG is missing an engine, so no worry with the pipes :D)

14-01-2008, 20:44
Gutted you couldn't finish it brun!

Not looking promising for me having a go at some point lol