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View Full Version : Donington park 24th feb trackday

03-01-2008, 23:11
right ive been talking to rod over on RSOC and he has asked me to put this on here.......

Just to let some of you track day warriors know, that on 24th Feb 2008 the RSOC have hired out Donnington for a nice early warm up to the year! Anyone wishing to participate can do so:

Track will be open from 09.00 - 13.00, 14.00 - 17.00 and run in 3 groups (Novice, Intermediate and Experienced) in 20 min sessions. 98db drive by noise limit too and helmets and long sleeve tops must be worn!

Cost to non members will be £110.00 per entry, £20 extra driver and £10 for passengers.

Call Emma in the Club Office 08702 406215

Dont forget, novice group will be for first time track users with instructors available to assist!

this isnt on the donnington park site so you will need to ring up, i know a few lads going on and there all in focus RS's which are pretty nifty(300bhp average)

i will be ringing up tomorro to make sure i get a spot reserved, going on intermidiate btw!

so evouk etc :wink:

07-01-2008, 19:46
right im now booked on this, intermidiate group!

07-01-2008, 20:48
If i could guarentee the clio would be ready i'd book, but not sure end of feb might not be pushing it

19-01-2008, 15:27
i beleive this is now fully booked!

21-01-2008, 22:25
i stand corrected, just been told there is spaces but not many! so get booked on kiddies! :)