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06-06-2005, 22:03
Ok what car does this rear quarter / wheel belong too?


There is a clue :D

06-06-2005, 22:06
is that 0002 in the reflection? :)

06-06-2005, 22:12
the one with incorrect 1/4 williams sticker

06-06-2005, 22:15
Sticker is a perfect copy.

06-06-2005, 22:15
Thats a bit easy that one fella.

06-06-2005, 22:17
So which is it?

06-06-2005, 22:21
0200, you can the the "P" reg 0002 in the background.

06-06-2005, 22:23

06-06-2005, 22:24
is that 0002 in the reflection? :) 8)

06-06-2005, 22:25
is that 0002 in the reflection? :) 8)

You didnt win though because you answered a question with a question.

Ill set the questions round here ok? :x


06-06-2005, 22:28
So I win then :D Whats my prize????

06-06-2005, 22:29
You get a date with Fatboy :D

06-06-2005, 22:34
And those aren't original tyres on there either.

06-06-2005, 22:34
On the subject of wheels....

Tis strange this as there new wheels from renault, and the way the gold has been sprayed on is completely different to the wheels i had on the willy III... which were also genuine production items!

Mine never had the gold after the diamond cut, and also the inside's of the wheels were not gold either...

Hmmm :?

06-06-2005, 22:37
My new ones are identical to the originals on 0002. 0002 also had identical wheels to 0001, except for the tyres

06-06-2005, 22:41
Hmmm... wonder it thats another difference of the III's?

Seem to remember northy's being the same as yours... any III owners wanna take a browse for a quick comparasin! :wink:

06-06-2005, 22:50
i would but its dark and i cant be assed to look il have a look and post in the morning.dunno if im gunna be able to see it though sure my tyres stick out 2 far

06-06-2005, 23:10
Hmmm... wonder it thats another difference of the III's?

Seem to remember northy's being the same as yours... any III owners wanna take a browse for a quick comparasin! :wink:

The gold like that after the silver, is the sign of a refurb..

06-06-2005, 23:25
Cant be, 0002 alloys have 100% not been refurbed. Ive known this car since it was 800 miles old and its never had refurbed alloys,

06-06-2005, 23:29
I hate Williams wheels - no one ever agrees on them.

Be so much easier to just have them all in gold.. :shock:

But seriously, they all go Gold after the silver rim somewhere..

I use proper tyres anyway, so it covers the rim up. :wink:

06-06-2005, 23:32
I agree, speedline could have saved alot of ball ache if they painted the fookers all gold.

07-06-2005, 07:28
My new wheels had gold after the silver rim as well...iirc the whole wheel is the gold colour apart from the rim..so makes sense really.

07-06-2005, 09:11
Yeah i've had a couple of tyres of, and my wheels are gold all over except for the silver rim, and dont think they've been refurbed at any time

07-06-2005, 09:18
heehee u guys wait till u see my williams wheel quiz.

07-06-2005, 10:18

2 live
07-06-2005, 10:24
well...the unrefurbed wheel i have sat in my room.......and the other 4 unrefurbed wheels that came with the car..all have gold after the silver lip.....and are all a grey off white primer colour at the back, behind the spokes

07-06-2005, 10:31
Yep as they should be. Is that proclean Jon?

Sounds like those boys know their stuff. Give the customer what he wants, not what you think he wants.

2 live
07-06-2005, 10:42
no mate thats b4 the refurb

now they still have the gold after the lip, but are gold behind the spokes too.after the refurb

07-06-2005, 14:37
my wheels have the gold after the silver rim but hard to see as tyres cover it they r unrefurbed willy 3 wheels

07-06-2005, 17:54
well...the unrefurbed wheel i have sat in my room.......and the other 4 unrefurbed wheels that came with the car..all have gold after the silver lip.....and are all a grey off white primer colour at the back, behind the spokes

Thats exacly how mine were par the gold after the lip...

I wonder if its just a difference during the last production batch that a few left the factory with the diamond cut "over done"... :roll:

07-06-2005, 23:07
heehee u guys wait till u see my williams wheel quiz.

It's majorly wrong. What you wrote down didn't match what was really there.

Shambles. :lol: :lol: