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View Full Version : protec fuel and oil treatments

08-11-2007, 18:44
hi anyone had any experience with the above products just had a sample to try in the fuel tank basically as a cleaning agent so where the fuel goes this goes and also gets rid of the water vapour in the fuel tank by recombining it with the fuel allowing it to be burnt
the oil treatment worked in a similar way its added to oil before its changed then engine allowed to idle for 20-30 mins then dropped new oil in saw a demo on a mates car engine comp measured at 180 before and after 205 quite impressed i know there are similar products that are available but with a TUV approval then its worth a serious look anyone got any thoughts or interested in giving it a try :D :D :D :D

08-11-2007, 19:08
not sure ive seen those mate

usually stick to Forte