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07-10-2007, 16:12
was thinking, the wheels that come with a williams...can u get them new unsprayed? or by default are they a gold model?
in addition to this, when i have mine resprayed n powdercoated etc back to gold, how to they cover up/ and treat the chromey rim around the outside?

07-10-2007, 16:43
You can get Prima silver ones, tiny bit different though. Not sure about original Speedlines, one of the others will know no doubt.

07-10-2007, 17:25
williams speedlines are gold when purchased from renault.

also the rim is diamond cut and then clear lacquered...

07-10-2007, 17:39
hmm initally...but for old john my friend who sprays wheels...lol what will he do?

07-10-2007, 17:51
what will he do???? you mean the rim????

07-10-2007, 18:54
I love a mystery...

07-10-2007, 18:59
lol, right. the rim of the williams wheels, is a different colour, a mirror/clear laquer chromey finish yeah? was wondering how a guy who sprays wheels up wud get that finish and avoid overspraying the gold. make sense?

07-10-2007, 19:29
the rim is the bare metal of the alloy... my guess is the wheel is sprayed gold (trying not to overspray to much on the rim, and the rim is cut after the gold has been done... then the whole wheel is obviously lacquered all at the same time

07-10-2007, 19:37
ahh i see. just seems really quite shiny....mirrored almost

07-10-2007, 23:16
there is a guide on how someone did it himself in the guides section, an interesting read...

10-10-2007, 22:57
The rim is not polished or mirrored originally, it's simply turned by the manufacturer. If you would like to repair your ones, it's worth to polish the rim but be careful: the Silicium and/or Magnesium contents make this to difficulty. (My wheels were repaired this spring, the rims were polished).
Raw alloy with "wheel center":

10-10-2007, 23:34
Thats a nice matt finish. I like.

11-10-2007, 18:11
i'm planning to get my willy speedlines refurbed soon, but is it better to lacquer the rim and risk it going white underneath the lacquer, or is it better to leave the rim bare?

11-10-2007, 18:22
i just sanded mine. i did have a thread but seems to have gone

11-10-2007, 18:31
the guide in the guides section is pretty good. I personally would always laquer the outer cut rim or else you will get all sorts of pitting and discolouration as the salt and shite attacks it 24/7. from the factory they paint the whole wheel and as has been suggested, pop it on a lathe and cut back the outer rim.

you can do it in reverse, i.e. cut and polish the rim and carefully remove paint on the rim with a rag and thinners after each gold coat, ala the guide, or do it afterwards.

I did my Tur-bines same as the guide, and it works pretty well. personally the next i do it though i am simply going to paint them in a metallic silver, lots less hassle, has a very similar look and gives more protection and something for the laquer to bind too.

11-10-2007, 18:32
is that the thread i made? i cant find one on refurbs

11-10-2007, 18:33
ok i was lookin in wrong place, the one in guides is loads better than mine anyway :lol: