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2 live
26-09-2007, 15:57
just a couple for now, more to be done later. qualities not the best so may be replacing em at a later stage.


J o n
26-09-2007, 16:02
dont put mine up, my driving is terrible and I'd have to ban you ;) pmsl

2 live
26-09-2007, 16:04
lol........was next session on the list ;)


was well held mate....all im sayin :wink:

26-09-2007, 18:02
Nice Lads.

Spa :driving: Your oil temp shows how much fun you had!


2 live
26-09-2007, 18:16

Eau Rouge in 5th :shock:

lol. died 1/2 way up the hill n couldnt get 4th grrrrrrrrr

J o n
26-09-2007, 19:27
PMSL! may have well been well held... still ****ing shit my pants! lol

27-09-2007, 07:45
love the way u corner 2live. no fear !

2 live
27-09-2007, 08:44
lol@ no fear.

was scared shitless for most of it mate tbh.

is a very daunting track.
Eau Rouge was just summat else, i know i could have taken it quicker now, knew on the day really, but having the balls to take it faster is summat else lol.

the speeds your travelling at kinda make you respect the track. one wrong move/bad line at say Blanchimont, the long left hander before bus stop, get it wrong, its gunna hurt. your taking this at 120/130+, theres about 30ft of run off to ur right covered with grass, that aint gunna slow you down before you hit the wall lol.

theres 2 corners on the whole track that needed 2nd gear, the hairpin after the start/finish straight, and the bus stop chicane just before it, everything else was taken pretty much flat out in 3rd 4th or 5th. lol. Rivage being the next slowest corner imo, the long right handed hairpin, this was around 70-80 mph, downhill, around a hairpin. lol mad.

27-09-2007, 09:31
Looks like a proper balls out track. :twisted:

27-09-2007, 11:28
yeah looks awesome!

2 live
29-09-2007, 23:38

and another.

martin may get a bit nostalgic on this one ;), see if you can spot it.

30-09-2007, 07:54
good effort john

04-10-2007, 09:13
looks amazing, really feel like ive missed out this year in terms of track time. spa is somewhere id love to go, but need the pennies first!

2 live
04-10-2007, 10:26
wasnt too bad price wise tbh, think total cost was somewhere around £500, trackday was £130, ferry £140 hotel £50 for weekend. although we upgraded to 1 that cost more than double that for 1 night.

rest went up in smoke lol...either emitted from the zorst or my lungs.

was lucky to escape rotterdam hehe.

could be done a whole load cheaper if planned well tho, at least we know where not to stay for next year lol.

04-10-2007, 13:32
Looks good dude, I like abit of track video action 8)

06-10-2007, 14:42
Good vids Jon, were there no noise limits at Spa then! I take it you were in the TB beast with the mega loud exhaust?

13-10-2007, 01:47
8) vids Jon.

Only one question. Do you have your harnesses quite loose and you seat in a normal position (in terms of closeness to the wheel)? I've actually found that by sitting nearer the wheel and with the harnesses pinning me to the seat I don't need to use the wheel to brace my body. Hence my arms are completely free to just steer.

2 live
13-10-2007, 17:38
Good vids Jon, were there no noise limits at Spa then! I take it you were in the TB beast with the mega loud exhaust?

the bodies and side exit are off at the moment mate. just std inlet , straight through ctr section to a scorpion back box. there were no noise limit at spa, which we were made aware of, but apparently both mine and yozzas cars were too loud for them, big shout to jeremy for talking them round tho ;) and i was gunna take the side exit as the power seems to have dropped a bit on the current zorst

swerv. the harnesses were kinda loose as we were interchanging between drivers. i have to sit nearer with the harnesses n buckets just so i can reach 1st, 3rd n reverse lol

14-10-2007, 00:59
Know what you mean. When I set mine up I went to set off with the seat in the normal position and couldn't turn the wheel!