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View Full Version : sorry another question, brakes this time

30-07-2007, 13:32
when i bought the car the brakes were fine, but today when i press the brake pedal the brakes are very unresponsive, i need to brake then release the brakes then press the brakes again to get good normal braking power, ive checked fluid level and it is fine,

am i right in thinking that my brakes need bled, the first press is compressing the air in the system and the second press is working as the air has been compressed, or are there any other reasons why i might be experiencing these problems :? ??

thanks again in advance :P

30-07-2007, 13:36
check to see if the pedal is spongy, if it is then its fluid in the system, odd that it suddenly goes like that tho, usually its a gradual thing.

Could also check master cylinder if you bleed them and they are still the same

30-07-2007, 14:06
also brake fluid is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture and should be replaced every two years. might be a good idea to change it anyway.

30-07-2007, 15:09
ok guys thanks, will try bleeding then , and if that doesnt work i will drain the system and replace all the fluid, if that fails, you suggest master cylinder.

thanks again :P

30-07-2007, 16:16
Any reason why it might do this but be fine once up to temps on track?

ULF is the same. Has been bled, has all new flexi hoses, refreshed front / rear calipers but pedal still a bit squishy.

30-07-2007, 17:33
Any reason why it might do this but be fine once up to temps on track?

:shock: no tracks near me, id feel bad thrashing it around a track anyway. lol :?

anyway i bled the system and kept topping the resivoir up, until i went through a whole large bottle of fluid, so hopefully its nearly all fresh fluid now.. brakes are better now than they ever were.
also i found that the rubber seal on the resivoir was all mushed up (someone not replaced the top properly) nipped to my local parts store and got a new one, hopefully thats where the air got from, but not sure..

will keep an eye on things for a week or too, but fingers crossed, master cylinder is ok :P

damn i love this forum, thanks for all the pointers guys

30-07-2007, 17:56
Any reason why it might do this but be fine once up to temps on track?

ULF is the same. Has been bled, has all new flexi hoses, refreshed front / rear calipers but pedal still a bit squishy.

Try different pads?

30-07-2007, 21:24
Still seems like there's air in to me. Two pedal prods in normal conditions and the pressure is there. One prod is a bit squishy.

30-07-2007, 23:43
My pedal is squishy as fook but i have got no idea when the fluid was last changed! Owned the car 2 years myself and i doubt the previous owner changed it!!

31-07-2007, 01:52
guys, honesty take the advice i was given, i did and its great now (been out all night in it)

simply kept bleeding and topping up bleeding and topping up until id gone through a large bottle of fluid, brakes are very responsive and feel like new now

p.s during the bleeding, (i used a clear hose to collect the old fluid in a bottle) there was loads of air in mine, infact i was begining to think there was more air in my brake system, than there was in my tyres :lol: lol