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14-02-2005, 17:08
Have you cheated on a partner, yes or no?

14-02-2005, 17:09
Never, its not big or clever!

14-02-2005, 17:44
No.. not recently lol

Seriously tho - no. Can't see the point.. if you wanna cheat, just end the relationship! easy.

2 live
14-02-2005, 17:55
lol^^ easier said than done sometimes

best thing is to have an open relationship....if they cant handle that they can fuk off lol

14-02-2005, 18:07
Easier said than done only because you must feel sorry for the other person - its harder to keep pretending

Im a bitch arent i :lol:

2 live
14-02-2005, 18:12
lol...depends how many ppl are involved......i couldnt walk away from me kids no matter wot

14-02-2005, 18:12
NO not for me thanks!

14-02-2005, 20:45
What if your partner had an industrial accident and lost their genitals. You still loved them, the same person, but no sex. Would you cheat then?

2 live
14-02-2005, 21:09
wot uv just described above mate......in laymens terms is marraige lol

14-02-2005, 21:13

Are you married Jon?

15-02-2005, 03:49
industrial accident...lol you never cease to amuse me...
i thought my partner had had one when i looked down below...

big hp
15-02-2005, 10:23
Yes I have. Had it done to me a few times too. At the end of the day, live by the sword die by the sword.

LOL @ gunner. Looked like she'd been attacked by a madman with a axe did she? PMSL

2 live
15-02-2005, 10:24
gunner she not ginger is she??? lol

no stromba not married......as good as like lol

15-02-2005, 11:59
What if your partner had an industrial accident and lost their genitals. You still loved them, the same person, but no sex. Would you cheat then?

:? Ermmm! I think we'd come to a mutual arrangement lol

15-02-2005, 23:33
i did when i was younger! but it was not a serious relationship tho! and my last serious relationship i never! i would never do that if it was serious!

15-02-2005, 23:36
What if you knew your partner was cheating on you and you had the opportunity?

big hp
16-02-2005, 08:47
Two wrongs don't make a right. Makes for a lot of fun though :P

16-02-2005, 12:25
What if you knew your partner was cheating on you and you had the opportunity?

Wouldn't stick around long enough if I found that out. Swift kick to the balls and i'd be off :twisted:

16-02-2005, 13:25
i'm only a young boy of 18 so if they live in a different area cod it doesn't count :twisted: not had a bird for a few months now thogh so am playing the field massively! 8)