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18-05-2005, 22:37
hahaha. hahahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA! :twisted:

Bye-bye McFly-Mullet boy. Eat my soot.

18-05-2005, 22:41
I hate McFly and Busted :x

18-05-2005, 22:43
Zetec S(low) :lol:

18-05-2005, 22:45
Hmmm i quite like them. Looks wise anyway.

J o n
18-05-2005, 22:45
yup, Wayne gave one a proper spanking in his freakishly fast valver then gave the kid a lesson in driving. I had one as my last car, not that quick, but they handle superbly, I thrashed the shit outta mine and got to know it's limits and could keep up with much quicker cars. really needs more power tho... then it would be a great car

18-05-2005, 22:47
What engines can you transplant into them?

Focus RS engine? :D

18-05-2005, 22:48
In fairness as we came off the r/bout he had a dippy bint in one of those shitty mark 1 clio rust bucket things in front of him and she didn't move over. Said r/bout happens to be one of my faves for gunning it round as there's a camber on the actual r/bout, so as you nail it and take your exit you get airborne!

Anyway, I don't fvck about. I pissed off up the inside lane. As did he but he never stood a chance!

It's a top r/bout. I had some nutter in Nov. An old guy in an XJR giving it full beans on the inside of me. He was actually going past and I had already reached the limits of traction and started to drift wide! Good lad.

Also come off that launch bit before trying to get past a car and slowly went past as the launch had broken traction in 2nd! There were some shocked faces as I went past wheelspinning in 2nd! :P

19-05-2005, 00:31
What engines can you transplant into them?

Focus RS engine? :D

They fly when you put the 1.7 yamaha engine out of the racing puma in them.

Good chassis. :D

19-05-2005, 00:38
Its a yamaha engine in the Puma?

What power does that have?

19-05-2005, 01:00
yea, the zetec SE was designed by yamaha.

160bhp std.

I have a friend with one in his zetec S on S1600 puma throttle bodies, headwork, cams, 8600rpm and 227bhp......its a little bit fast lol.

J o n
19-05-2005, 08:05
2.1 zetec turbo is the other popular one... not sure on cost, but the chassis can take a hell of a lot more power than the 110 standard or whatever they are... I liked mine, maybe I should have done some stuff to it...

19-05-2005, 08:14
I came up against this in the williams once.....never seen something move so quick :P


19-05-2005, 10:00
My friend has a silver ons and a red one. Red one was alot quicker, but both mighty fine cars.

Although out handled by my other friends 4 wheels steer import non turbo 200 sx on numerous occasions. :D

19-05-2005, 11:25
they are very good cars, and cheap!

could be made into a fun track car.

19-05-2005, 11:29
Saxos will be the next big thing for enthusiasts wanting cheap track cars. I guarantee it. Next to the late 16vs VTSs look like very good money at the mo.

19-05-2005, 11:30
very true!!!!

awesome car for the money, no way i'd pay for a 106gti for the same car.

J o n
19-05-2005, 11:34
very true!!!!

awesome car for the money, no way i'd pay for a 106gti for the same car.

ditto, bang for buck they are amazing and the bad image they seem to be losing a bit now, so that's a bonus... hmm, got me thinking...

19-05-2005, 11:47
I got a few people thinking on a few forums with the saxo thing! Can be picked up for £2k for the better looking phase 1. Makes the valver seem a little overpriced given the age difference.

There's some good low milers in original spec on the trader at the mo.

19-05-2005, 11:48
yea, the engine is a good un, and you can make it awesomely quick! :lol:

19-05-2005, 11:51
And they're the last of the feather-light hot hatches really. Strip it, cage it and a few mods and you'd have a bit of a flyer. Prolly not great for higher speeds though on track I'd have thought.

19-05-2005, 11:53
screw the cage!
thats putting weight back in! lol

19-05-2005, 11:56
Yeah but you don't want to crash in one! They made them out of double-skinned tin foil you know. :lol:

19-05-2005, 11:56
then dont crash :P

19-05-2005, 12:08
Ordinarily I'd agree but my motor has had 2 crashes in the last 12 months, neither my fault. I have a different perspective of things now.

19-05-2005, 12:11
use it only on track then lol.

J o n
19-05-2005, 12:27
no way are they only £2k!?!? That's depreciated more than a ... :shock: :? :wink: :lol:

...nah, still want and Evo 3 next :D