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View Full Version : Fussy wanker

Andy P
27-03-2007, 23:10

clearly a complete tit with too much time on his hands.
its an astra FFS!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

27-03-2007, 23:14
:lol: saw that on another forum earlier - can't believe the extent some people go to with their paintwork.

27-03-2007, 23:19
Gotta be a wind up!

Those cars are bloody awful!

27-03-2007, 23:28
looked pretty shiny in the first pic tbh :lol:

27-03-2007, 23:41
fooking hell !!!
he has got to be ghey :gay:

28-03-2007, 00:32
I bet the first time he takes it for a service they wash it and ruin the paint. :muahaha:


28-03-2007, 09:25
Pretty nerdy on the cleaning front, but it does look nice. Don't see what people's problem is. Maybe a bit of jealousy from the Corsa boys :P

28-03-2007, 09:26
I'd drive into him, just to see his face

28-03-2007, 10:55
He's going to be gutted when some scrotum keys it!

Have to say the car does look uber uber mint!

28-03-2007, 10:56
Very anal retentiv lmao

Nice an shiny thgh tbh wont git far in england wit all the crap in air b4 needs do it ALL OVA AGAIN lol :lol:

28-03-2007, 11:16
bit ITT but why the hell not hehe

28-03-2007, 11:57
cleaning cars has never been my cup of tea but hey hats off to the guy, he's done a cracking job! only the same passion as someone who loves building engines but in a different area.

28-03-2007, 12:02
Lol jus a lil bit weird imo cars are for driving! Admitidly does look clean tho

28-03-2007, 12:12
Lol jus a lil bit weird imo cars are for driving! Admitidly does look clean tho

Correction. Cars are for getting pussy :lol:

28-03-2007, 12:14
Lol jus a lil bit weird imo cars are for driving! Admitidly does look clean tho

Correction. Cars are for getting pussy :lol:
:lol: Like ur style!

28-03-2007, 12:36
It's a Car. and cars dont get Birds, going round town drinking town a weekend gets birds 8)

28-03-2007, 18:12
Am well into cleaning cars, signed up to that Detailing World website a little while back. Wouldnt go to the extent he has though - that Zymol Royale wax is £7000!!!

Definately jealousy from the Corsa guys :roll:

28-03-2007, 18:18
£7000!! he must have spent allmost as much polishing it as he did buying the damn thing :shock:

28-03-2007, 18:34
he is a propper bummer

28-03-2007, 18:40
Am well into cleaning cars, signed up to that Detailing World website a little while back. Wouldnt go to the extent he has though - that Zymol Royale wax is £7000!!!

Definately jealousy from the Corsa guys :roll:

£7000? Wtf, is it smegma scrapped straight from Elton Johns bellend or summat?

28-03-2007, 19:16
£7000? Wtf, is it smegma scrapped straight from Elton Johns bellend or summat?


You do get lifetime free refills for that £7000, but yeh, still doesnt justify the price. No paintwork finish is worth spending that amount of money on IMO.

28-03-2007, 19:24
and then after all that he gets a stone chip!!!!! :lol:

28-03-2007, 21:53

does he have a girlfrend do you get out mutch lol seen it all now

Smokey McPot
28-03-2007, 22:31
Looks like someone who does it professionally....

28-03-2007, 22:44
Hmm well looks like he did a good job tbh :D
if your going to spend the money on your dream car you might aswell look after it !

saying that my williams has seen the underside of a buffer and polishing mit more then once :D

i dont go about checking paint thinkness though lol

28-03-2007, 23:20
Isn't this the same guy who charges like £5K to clean cars and does like masaratis n shit?

28-03-2007, 23:22
It is.

29-03-2007, 12:12
Haha spose a car could get you pussy not a fookin astra tho... nd then comes the convo "what do you do for fun"...... "I... erm clean my astra :? "

29-03-2007, 12:28
The guy who cleans maseratis and stuff earns shitloads why the **** has he got a wank astra


29-03-2007, 13:52
Irrespective of the fact that it's a Vauxhall (nothing wrong with that in itself either!), it's still a £20k car with about £2k worth of mods already. So he's pretty well off, in my book at least!

29-03-2007, 14:02
Am well into cleaning cars,



29-03-2007, 14:22
^^^^^ lol too right i like cleaning cars but wat a ****in gay!!!!

29-03-2007, 15:08
Could understand why you'd want to do this to a supercar etc, but an Astra? Each to their own I suppose... does look very shiny though !!!

29-03-2007, 15:53
i could do a guide like that on bulling up a shoe for a military parade.

29-03-2007, 16:02
as I said above its only a...................CAR :?

29-03-2007, 17:04
I read this on another forum.

Each to their own like, not personally somthing I'd go to the extent of doing, but he's probably saved for that car for a while and wanted it perfect so understandable.

Just shows you how shit factory paint jobs are tho!

29-03-2007, 17:19
its on www.detailingworld.co.uk cracking car and hes had finished to perfection, Paul Daulton is bloody expensive but worth it on the right cars

29-03-2007, 18:15
personally I think it overboard if he plans to drive his car again.

It could be justified if :

1) Its the Geneva car show-or other high profile event such as Goodwood
2) Its to be put on display in a vauxhall show room,,
3) he's attempting to drum up business with the owners of top marques

imagine it, Sunday morning...get the lap top out and analyse the paint depth..ZZZZzzzz

29-03-2007, 18:25
I dont think it was actually pauls car was it? the money he earns.

And if paint correction is done and a good washing drying technique adhered to all that should be needed everynow and then is a top up off wax. Ok i wouldnt have the patience to hand apply wax like

29-03-2007, 18:49
I usually spend a good 4-5hours a week cleaning my car. Dont go anywhere near the levels of £7000 wax and hand applying it, but still love to see perfectly detailed cars like that, and can appreciate why its been done, geeky i may be, but hey, each to their own i suppose.

29-03-2007, 19:38
some people to go a bit far, fair play to him he obviously has the cash to spend!! If this Astra dude saw my williams he would die, my car is so dirty, the windscreen is dirty on the inside!! needs a clean, but i dont have the time at the mo, the wheels are like blackened gold!!

I can see why people get carried away and then he will park it in the supermaket and some nob in a 20 year old car will open their door on it and leave a dent!! and wont think twice!!

looks amazing tho

30-03-2007, 13:13
Thing is the paint on a new car isnt shit. I always thought the paint was really orange peely on all new cars, but the other week I found out that they put that texture onto the metal as it helps the metallic particles to float in the painting giving a much better metallic finish. You can t cut all you want but you'll never remove the "orange peel" look.


30-03-2007, 20:42
I hate to wish ill of other people - but I'd pay to see his face if he parked it under a birds nest!