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View Full Version : Memberships

14-03-2007, 14:47
All paid members are now on the subscription feature.

The only exception are area reps, admin and moderators.

If for what ever reason you are not happy with your current subscription please pm me to resolve your issues.

Thank you


14-03-2007, 15:58
You mentioned area reps there. Bit off topic but what has happened to Ill_Moves? Havent seen him on here in absolutely ages! :?

14-03-2007, 16:05
not spoke to him for a while tbh mate

Will send a message and see whats happening.

14-03-2007, 16:09
Just wondering cz i only see the odd post from him now, he used to be on quite alot.

14-03-2007, 19:00
Spoke to Matt (Ill_Moves) the other day.

He changed job not so long back and has been working longer hours. I'll give him a kick and tell him to get back on here.


14-03-2007, 22:44
im here :wink:

dont get to much time on here now, usualy just skim through the posts and make the odd post here n there!

whats this subscription feature?

"The only exception are area reps, admin and moderators" does this mean we dont have to pay?

15-03-2007, 00:04
You still have to pay ;) Just means your not in the "subscribed members" group thats all.

15-03-2007, 10:26