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17-02-2007, 16:20
Im trying to get a insurance quote for a williams clio, but everyone i rang told me i had to be 25 or 30 to insure that car! and im 19!
What dos everyone on here hav 2 pay for insurance and who are you with?

17-02-2007, 16:24
try the search mate, theres shit loads on this :wink:

2 live
17-02-2007, 17:10
iv just been quoted £580 from adrian flux.

but thats a caged, bodied, cammed, ecu mods, susp mods, zorst mods, buckets/harnesses beastie ;)

fully comp too......limited to 3k miles a year. like for like policy

17-02-2007, 17:33
2 live-is your car that spec^^^^^^^^^^, or is it going to be?

17-02-2007, 18:15
goto http://www.insuresupermarket.com/motor/motorstep1.asp and they
search over 50 insurance companies and tell you online what each quote is..

17-02-2007, 18:20
elephant insured me on my valver at 19, and was only £100 more for a williams!!!

or try http://www.hastingsdirect.com/

they will insure me on anything lol

17-02-2007, 18:43
Elephant just gave me a quote for another year on my clio - £650 tpft, 20, 3yrs NCB.

Sadly i wont be renewing it because im selling but thats the lowest ive ever been quoted to insure a car :lol:

2 live
18-02-2007, 00:47
2 live-is your car that spec^^^^^^^^^^, or is it going to be?

well at mo its a std lump.....but.............wen i pull waynes lump out next weekend, a bodied lump will b going back in. give it another couple months and the cage will b in as well.

so within a couple months................im hopin it will b up to this spec yes.

i have the bodies etc. jus need the kick up the ass to get it finished now

18-02-2007, 00:56
Haha I gotta Quote 18, no no claims driving 4month, guess

£6,000 Norwich Union :lol:

oni quote i could get

18-02-2007, 14:55

I'm 19 and with Bell insurance. Elephant are good too. Both quotes under a grand fully comp on a Williams 3 (1NCB).


20-02-2007, 00:21
Rang 6 companies on sat and non would quote one local company whos owner has 1 told me i hadent a hope in hell!

Rang norich union 2day got a quote for £6750!!!!!
19 licence 1 year and 10 months no accidents or points.
what am i going 2 do?

Stoker Willi 1 303
20-02-2007, 00:36
Where do you live "Car jack city":shock: get onto elephant they are really good but i did have three points to add and that bumped it up a bit but they still said 1000-1100 cant remember exac but they should do it i'm only 19. i have now got a quote from a local ins comp and thats 900

All 3/party quotes :roll:

20-02-2007, 01:11
Rang 6 companies on sat and non would quote one local company whos owner has 1 told me i hadent a hope in hell!

Rang norich union 2day got a quote for £6750!!!!!
19 licence 1 year and 10 months no accidents or points.
what am i going 2 do?

try http://www.bell.co.uk or http://www.elephant.co.uk
You should get one below £1500 fully comp.


20-02-2007, 01:47

insured me on a valver on my 18th birthday 1800 quid TPFT :D

20-02-2007, 20:51
Where do you live "Car jack city"

I live in te middle of the cuntry in Northern Ireland!!
Insurance is sky high here! and most companies wont quote for over here. I pay £1350 for my 306 hdi d-turbo wit a years no claims :(

20-02-2007, 21:16
Got quote for £4707.40 from elephant, its getn better :D

20-02-2007, 22:06
18, NO NO claims

£6,000 for me :lol:

21-02-2007, 10:06
18 with no ncb and i got a quote for £1400 on a willy 2 :lol:

22-02-2007, 20:06
im with elephant, 23 years old and 3 years no claims.... 718 squid fully comp. :D

22-02-2007, 21:35
I was 21 when i could get insurance on mine and then it was 900 tpft.

22-02-2007, 22:59
Admiral....23yrs old....1 yearsncb....£770 Fully Comp :)

23-02-2007, 01:00
You will struggle mate at 19 with no, no claims.

I feel for you though because I was exactly the same at 19, wanted a valver but couldnt afford the insurance!

Just wait mate, it's such a waste of money. Get an RSi, I got one of those at 19 and theyre pretty quick. I know its not a valver but they are so much cheaper on insurance and more reliable! Then there's running costs, and getting a valver mate is a ****ING expensive hobby as everyone here will testify. Great when theyre up and running though.

I was paying £1100 at 21 with tesco, with no no claims, but that was 4 years ago and that's a long time in the insurance game.

You ready for me to piss you off?!...

£412 Fully Comp, with free breakdown cover and courtesy car. Thats 3 years no claims though and age 25. That's with morethan.

23-02-2007, 22:30
Age 23 2 years NCD all mods declared £640.

23-02-2007, 22:31
Ooops through company called Policy shop

24-02-2007, 11:37
new quote of £4458

24-02-2007, 12:45
get onto diamond, they insure men too!! I pay £1200 for they valver at 18 NO no claims bonus

15-03-2007, 02:16
You will struggle mate at 19 with no, no claims.

I feel for you though because I was exactly the same at 19, wanted a valver but couldnt afford the insurance!

Just wait mate, it's such a waste of money. Get an RSi, I got one of those at 19 and theyre pretty quick. I know its not a valver but they are so much cheaper on insurance and more reliable! Then there's running costs, and getting a valver mate is a f***king expensive hobby as everyone here will testify. Great when theyre up and running though.

I was paying £1100 at 21 with tesco, with no no claims, but that was 4 years ago and that's a long time in the insurance game.

You ready for me to piss you off?!...

£412 Fully Comp, with free breakdown cover and courtesy car. Thats 3 years no claims though and age 25. That's with morethan.

Can i ask where you live, is it a low risk area?, because morethan would never quote me and i'm 25 with 6 years no claims, I could really do with free breakdown!

15-03-2007, 04:30
I just took out a policy with churchill... £309 fully comp, ncb protection and legal cover, can't complain really :D

Tried getting a quote off greenlight but they simply refused to give me a quote as the lowest they even start at is 400 for a williams.... fair enough.

15-03-2007, 09:42
Try 1st Quote, thats who im with. 18 no no claims, 3 points and 1 claim :roll: I pay £2200 a year on my williams. LOL. Its worth it.


15-03-2007, 10:44
People who ask you for £thousands are basicly saying 'go away'.

I've had ridiculous quotes in the thousands, and I've been driving 15 years aged 34. Shop around.

15-03-2007, 11:57
I am 21 and pay £700 FC with elephant, add your parents as 2nd driver if you can even if they will never drive it ( you will be amazed at the price diff)

15-03-2007, 12:18
29, with about 8/9 years no claims (no accidents), put father on policy as named driver, living Currently in second lowest category area, car is valver, estimated at £1200 value, no milage limit, fully comp @ £250 :)

In a few weeks I move to the lowest insurance area and have my own garage lol. Should be entertaining :)


15-03-2007, 12:19
oh.. for reference...same values for my group 18 s14a and that was £550ish, fully comp.


15-03-2007, 12:27
19 2ys NCB £1600 with admiral on the 172

15-03-2007, 17:16
29, with about 8/9 years no claims (no accidents), put father on policy as named driver, living Currently in second lowest category area, car is valver, estimated at £1200 value, no milage limit, fully comp @ £250 :)

In a few weeks I move to the lowest insurance area and have my own garage lol. Should be entertaining :)


Nice one, similar to me then mate... Just for your reference though a garage does not normally affect the premium at all at this level.

I'm in cat B area (2nd lowest) and pay £309 including all the bonuses etc, but changing to driveway or garage didn't make a difference.

Chris H
15-03-2007, 17:25
if you say your gender confused and/or transexual maybe you'll get womens rates.

15-03-2007, 18:24
24 3 years ncb £380 fully comp break down cover leagal and moded lightly thats with admiral

15-03-2007, 19:38
just got a quote for a willy at £320 fully comp im 32 with 12 yrs NCB , no accidents and clean license :D

16-03-2007, 00:50
when i was 19 i was on my dads insurence and was paying £1600 FC with 2 yrs no claims...that was with CIS.....

now im 21 0NCB on my own with churchill and im paying £1500 FC

as said above, if you add your mom n dad on YOUR policy it will bring the price down!

17-03-2007, 20:20
Admiral,24yrs old,6 yearsncb....£360 Fully Comp :lol:

17-03-2007, 20:40
Adrian Flux, 780quid 21 3 or 4 years no claims cant remember now, 3 points for speeding, hybrid with engine declared and cams declared ;)