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View Full Version : Nurburgring Trip - PLEASE LOOK!!!

J o n
08-02-2007, 16:36
Afternoon, can people please do me a favour and post up if they have booked the time off work for those dates as we can get the ball moving on this and book the ferry in advance otherwise expect to pay £100 extra peak season for non advanced booking!

So far then:


Lee Keefy
08-02-2007, 17:25
do we have a price m8? :)

08-02-2007, 18:37
there is no set price for this holiday

we need to look at hull rotterdam overnight ferry but if that is too exspensive there are other routes ie dover

or even down to dover which will be a trek but id it saves £200.00 im all for it.


the overnight ferryu could be alot from hull because you need to have a room might be cheaper to get a 4 birth and share jesus if your up for that but if the majority cant afford then dover it is especialy at £66.00 return ...

08-02-2007, 19:19
I thought we had all agreed on going down to dova and gettin the ferry or even the shuttle over there. but i am in anyway.


getyour arse in gear and come up with some routes, you just had a week off work you could have been doing it!!!

08-02-2007, 19:19
Just had a look at random dates in August, as not sure what date everyone wants, Hull to Rotterdam looking at 286, for me and lee plus one car inc overnight cabin. Works out cheaper if 4 share as price is the same for cabin.

Were as Dover to Calais, 80 quid return.

Both with P & O direct.

Need to work out the extra fuel costs at both ends to see if its worth all the extra driving or not.

100 miles from Manchester to Hull.
280 miles from Manchester to Dover.

Rotterdam to Nuremberg 410 miles
Calais to Nuremberg 504 miles

Works out on average an extra 275 miles by going from Dover- so working on an average of 25 mpg, an extra 11 gallons of fuel, @ £4.50 gallon thereabouts, so an extra £49.50.

Dover crossing
Approx £140 fuel, £80 ferry - £220 total travelling costs

Hull Crossing
Approx £92 fuel costs, £286 ferry - £378 total travelling costs

08-02-2007, 19:23
TBH, I think me and Lee will pay the extra and go from Hull, thats if the dates you guys choose does not coincide with our holiday. So if you lot go Dover, it may be a case of meeting up with you over there.

Dont really fancy such a long drive at both ends and would rather pay the premium to shorten the journey.


08-02-2007, 19:39
Ill be on the Dover Ferry to Calias on August 5th, might see a load of williams' on there 8)

2 live
08-02-2007, 19:58
aye im up for this..dependant on date...would have to coincide with school hols tbh.

08-02-2007, 20:11
i havent booked anything, i really need to know costs etc as i have alot of other things to sort

09-02-2007, 00:04
We arent just going straight to the nurburg ring,

Dover is £67 return at the moment plus everyone can meet up on route as we go down the M1 and M25.

Me and Jesus are gonna have to take our time as we have our girlfriends in tow and also 2lives may be bringing the family.

09-02-2007, 08:14
dates are the 16th to the 28th august 2007

09-02-2007, 08:15
I thought we had all agreed on going down to dova and gettin the ferry or even the shuttle over there. but i am in anyway.


getyour arse in gear and come up with some routes, you just had a week off work you could have been doing it!!!

:bumshake: news to me i dont know whats happening

09-02-2007, 08:16
2 lives

2 live
09-02-2007, 09:05
those dates..im in

09-02-2007, 13:55
2 lives

We'll be back off holiday then, so we're in.


J o n
12-02-2007, 12:23
Right, Laura has been looking into travel and has found the following:

euro tunnel we are looking about £150 return
dover - callais - £130 return
hull rotterdam - £511 lol - **** that imo...

so, I personally think the Eurio tunnel is the best bet, it's £150 return and it takes pish all time to get accross, so the extra time saved is worth the £20 extra I think, plus some people will probably get sea sick (not me, I'm fookin' ard).

Hull/Rotterdam is out the question for me, can't justify the cost and it's only an extra 100 miles, which in the scheme of things is nothing really.

Let me know what you all think, I know it's 6 months away but really we need to get our arses in gear now or it wont happen imo.

2 lives

2 live
12-02-2007, 12:32
aye...tunnel sounds a better do to me tbh...k hates ferries and gets sea sick .....bless lol.

not 100% sure shes comin now...shes bottled it wen i told her we could do a few laps of the ring as a recce lol

think the tunnel crossin may change her mind tho.

def need to know wot accomodation we doin tho....dont think shes too into the campin shit....space etc...will probs need 2 cars with all the kids stuff n shit.. i know a few have offerd bootspace, but its always better if u dont need to stick shit in other ppls cars innit lol

J o n
12-02-2007, 12:37
well I think me/Laura/you & Karen/Andy & Claire will all be Euro tunneling it, we can always meet people over there, but I'm going to start booking things in the next few weeks so it's all done now, rather than do it last minute and have less choice and pay through the arse! lol

Mate, bootspace in mine wont be a problem, pack all the necessities in yours and put the rest in mine, as said I'll be stripping the back seats and stuff out (will take the spare! lol) and we wont need anywhere near all that space.

I'll also make a euro trip check list nearer the time so we can all put up what we need or think we might need for this... CB radio's being one thing I think we should all get though.

2 live
12-02-2007, 13:53
breaker break..10-4 good buddy......we have ourselves a convoy.....10-10 catch u on the flip flop.


12-02-2007, 13:57
tunnel sounds good

how much are them houses near the ring ..

J o n
12-02-2007, 15:26
PMSL @ 2 live

not sure Andy, give Laura access to here and we'll ask her to sort it ;) lol

2 live
12-02-2007, 15:43
i need to have a rundown of wots actually happnin too...as it stands at min..its me n taig that are comin lol.

12-02-2007, 15:54
Might be worth asking Craig he went with the rsc lot and got a mint mansion with secure garages etc...right next to the ring..

J o n
12-02-2007, 16:56
what do you mean Jon, in terms of where we are going etc? I dont really think I'll be doing Spa, but would turn up there if everyone else wants to go... still need to make a detour via Amsterdam though... that's a non negotiable deffo... even if it means driving my ass there alone lol

Martin, you got Craig on MSN, could you possibly speak to him or get him to forward me any details he has? My MSN is jonbennis@hotmail.com

12-02-2007, 18:52
we could do with 3 bases on the route do what you want sort of thing and then up to the next one

stay a few days at each the mansions cant be that much if there are enough of us rsc owners cant be that rich

we need more people to say what they want to do by the sounds of things it me jesus and 2 lives and thats it

12-02-2007, 19:38


PLace the RSC boys used....looks mint imo

12-02-2007, 21:46
Thats where my mate lee stopped. in his 106 Rallye 8)

12-02-2007, 22:33
how much was it and do we have a link

jesus just give laura your password and she can use your account to sort all this out

i like the idea of houses

13-02-2007, 09:51
I wanna come along, but it'll be a straight to-and-from the Ring and be for a (long) weekend :)

J o n
14-02-2007, 14:26
right people, done a bit of digging and found what I think is an excellent site with hopefully all the info we need!


looking through here check out:

and if you scroll down near the bottom of the page to Gästehauses Dederichs I think this place looks pretty nice, plus depending on how many of us stay there I'm sure we can get a group/bulk discount for that and the length of time we stay.

We need to get cracking on with this though, there's only 6 months before we go and nothing has been sorted yet...

2 live
14-02-2007, 14:51
weve got a date.

ffs...how much more u want lol

14-02-2007, 15:46

come on gents

J o n
14-02-2007, 15:49
Right guys, Seems like non of you are capable or organising this i seem to have been given the task... even though i wasnt planning on coming lol

All i can say is be prepared for lots of lists etc lol

Desicions will be final on what suits most people,

Plans so far

17th - 26th Aug 2007

We will be leaving Manchester area around 3am on the friday 17th morning and getting to the euro tunnel about 8ish to get a early crossing :)

good thing about the tunnel is its quick and no delays due to sea conditions etc, plus there will be alot less sick involved

Prices are about £150 return iirc compared to £130 ferry crossing (remember its peak holiday period)

thats the plan up to there lol

Laura AKA Taylor

14-02-2007, 15:53
Heading straight to the Ring on Friday morning? If so, I'll book that crossing and then a Monday morning or Sunday night crossing back (when I have some money!). I'll stay, where ever we agree, for Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday night.

Probaly coming with a mate, so it depends what he's up for doing.

J o n
14-02-2007, 15:59
dont think it's a case of heading straight there, think we were planning on going via Spa first for those that wanted to do that, tbh it may be worth adding a poll or making a new thread asking who of the people that are going want to do that... personally I'm not really bothered about Spa, the Nurburgring will be more than enough for me, but if people want to do it I'm happy to come along and get some passenger rides etc.

Other point is that Rotterdam sea crossing from Hull is totally out of the question due to price, it's £500+ alone just to get the ferry as it's overnight and you have to get a room there... pointless considering you can get a Ferry to Calais and make the time up on the road and end up ahead lol

So, the Euro Tunnel it is, now we just need to decide the route through Europe as I fancy going to Rotterdam/Amsterdam for obvious reasons to those that know me lol

14-02-2007, 16:09
right gents as it stands now northy is not coming ...

we might as well stop of places of intrest on route ect just need to find out who is coming ..


2 lives/and mini 2lives

2 live
14-02-2007, 16:10
i vote.....off the train in froggyland..turn left.head for dam......

then come back home wen/if we can remember


14-02-2007, 16:11
If its gonna be more of a holiday, and we're gonna stop off at places of interest etc, we'll drive the long way round with you guys.

As long as we are back for the 30th August, no worries.

2 lives/and mini 2lives

2 live
14-02-2007, 16:14
id like to do spa.but dependin on extra costs.not that bothered if u know wot i mean lol.

take it theres only me , u , andy n zollo goin then??

so wot we got so far cost wise.

train return.......£150
juice there n back ( on tickover ;) ).....£200
campings gunna be like wot....£10 er a nite??
hotel maybe £30...or that place in the pics

wot we gunna b lookin at total cost .....ish 5-600?

J o n
14-02-2007, 16:15
2 live, Rotterdam is better for our needs according to my dutch friend (who's from the Dam) and is also nearer, so I think that would be a better option personally as it's more on the way.

What's this about Northy not going too, **** that, he has no choice, he's been wanting to do this so sorry, but he's coming, no if's no buts, he'll only regret not going anyway. I know he's feeling low at the moment, cant blame the guy, but he shouldn't put his life on hold or miss out.

J o n
14-02-2007, 16:16
well once we get to Germany check these out...


14-02-2007, 16:16
dont think it's a case of heading straight there, think we were planning on going via Spa first for those that wanted to do that, tbh it may be worth adding a poll or making a new thread asking who of the people that are going want to do that... personally I'm not really bothered about Spa, the Nurburgring will be more than enough for me, but if people want to do it I'm happy to come along and get some passenger rides etc.

In that case, I'll more likely just meet you at the Ring on Sat 25th and head back with you lot on Sunday.

2 live
14-02-2007, 16:17
wasnt this his idea originally anyway??

european williams club meet.

come on lad...sort it out ffs.

14-02-2007, 16:17
I agree.

Northy has to come, it wont be the same without both northplop brothers.

:lol: :lol:

Jesus we'll organise a kidnapping nearer the time if he digs his heels in. I reckon he'll fit in yur boot. LOL

:lol: :lol:

2 live
14-02-2007, 16:19
fuk that......he mite have a load o my stuff in his boot yet lol.

northy can get tied to the bumper....iv heard he likes a bit of bondage

14-02-2007, 16:27
f*k that......he mite have a load o my stuff in his boot yet lol.

northy can get tied to the bumper....iv heard he likes a bit of bondage


Aye, we can hook his cup car up to lee's golf an drag it there!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

J o n
14-02-2007, 16:30
Northy is coming! 6 months time this will all be a bad dream anyway n he will be gutted by the time we are all packing to leave and he isnt

well it seems the general feeling is that we will be detouring, so maybe nice to go up to amsterdam/rotterdam, down through belguim into germany?

night in holland, night in belgium.. Club reflex woooo,


Chris n`nic
14-02-2007, 16:43
well once we get to Germany check these out...


2nd one down looks perfect!


2 live
14-02-2007, 16:43
aye.......as soon as northy hears ...and the fact that there may b a couple lady boys with his name tattood on their arses.......reckon hel b in

2 live
14-02-2007, 16:56
ringhaus altes fors looks alrite too...bout 6th down

J o n
14-02-2007, 16:58
I liked the 2nd from bottom one, just looks nice... dunno about facilities as the site was in German, need me mum to translate as she's fluent

J o n
14-02-2007, 17:05
Send me links as i can read german, just cant speak it too well

I think maybe its a good idea if we get a massive house or something, with a garrage as no boubt someone will break something on thier car ( jon ) lol

Can have a bit more of a riot if we arnt in a hotel plus 2lives kids can run around more ( you are bringing Jay !!!)


J o n
14-02-2007, 17:16
Yes my car will brake we all know it will, its inevatable, thats why im taking Lauras 205 for reliability!

Laura, if you go into clio discussion there is a sticky thread there with a link to a Nurburgring guide I found, looks quite good and they have maps and things on there. Can you print them off as I've not got chance to do it being up in Edinburgh and not having a works PC all the time, we can look at them on Sunday when we go look at this valver for Andy. 2 live, get yourself along too, we need to thrash the details out and finalise it all!

J o n
14-02-2007, 17:24
i dont do looking for things, need links, also veryyyy veryyyy busy at work atm

14-02-2007, 18:37
i might do this, not sure.
away for a week with fiona in july, but would love to do this. just depends on funds really...

how much we generally lookin at per car?

14-02-2007, 19:21
houses will be a good idea

spa will be alot of cash but needs looking in to the dam is well out of the way gents ... think you might have to shoot up there one evening while i am getting pissed and paying volley ball with laura and claire

14-02-2007, 21:12
lmao andy, i feel this could be a messy trip lol

2 live
14-02-2007, 21:15
bringin jay....depends if k is up for it really. gunna take a bit of convincing i think lol

and yes..i reckon somewhere with a garage and use of tools is a deffo.

what valver?

14-02-2007, 21:22
Im up for coming along
I just had a check on the ferrys and for dover to dunkerque its around £74 return which is alot cheaper than the train.
I would like to detour off to spa to ideally do a run but will probably end up being to dear running there.

14-02-2007, 22:07
ok so so the euro tunnel is £165

Route 1 : Folkestone to Calais
Departure Date/Time: Fri 17 August 2007 at 0750
Arrival Date/Time: Fri 17 August 2007 at 0925
Passengers: 2 Adults
Transport: Car


Route 2 : Calais to Folkestone
Departure Date/Time: Sun 26 August 2007 at 1220
Arrival Date/Time: Sun 26 August 2007 at 1155
Passengers: 2 Adults
Transport: Car

thats with ferrysavers.com
i personally would pay the bit extra for the saving in time, and lack of sickness.

dover-callais ferries are pretty much the same price tbf its only if you start sailing to wierd places on shitty boats that it gets any cheaper

15-02-2007, 08:22
laura just make a desicon on this and then we can moan at you on route and pull your hair

dont think i can handel 2 lives abroad he is bad enough in the uk

15-02-2007, 09:16
Spa will bump the cost up imo we should ditch it....detour through holland sounds good.......

I'm up for this btw.....will probably keep the car until then too :)

2 live
15-02-2007, 09:42
cool......mite have to install my bodies for the trip lol.......show them we mean business lol.

15-02-2007, 10:08
i need to buy a car arghhhh

2 live
15-02-2007, 10:11
laura just make a desicon on this and then we can moan at you on route and pull your hair

dont think i can handel 2 lives abroad he is bad enough in the uk

and wel have a less o that......i make a point of being able to communicate with the locals when im on holiday...

my vocubulary for the cuban trip.....ma mama la penga sp.

translated....suck my dick

got the locals attention lol.

15-02-2007, 10:16
well ok, those are the trains we are taking, book now!

2 live
15-02-2007, 10:54
i need to buy a car arghhhh

williams 2...if gaz s willy 3 can make it....and i take it it will be?? im sure urs can.

northy..any joy on the inter club meets while we there??

and....just to throw a spanner in the works......and maybe holding off on the dates a bit. but.......

how bout arranging it to take in the rs day at spa?? then a trip to the ring..quite a few peeps doing this it seems.

15-02-2007, 11:09
what RS day?

Ill be honest i cant change the dates i have booked off now, not even by a day or so so if the dates are changed i wont be able to make it

2 live
15-02-2007, 11:51
surely u get more than 1 oppertunity to book a hol..

i mean it shud be fairly easy for u to cancel and choose another date, unless u work for a really shitty co. imo.

the renault sport track day is organised already...at spa...some time sep i think.il av a look c.

2 live
15-02-2007, 11:54
23rd september spa...and from what has been said earlier....the ring wont be open fully on the dates we goin. whereas, in sep, just after the rs day..it is.

just a suggestion for those that would like to do both, and it being an rs day it will be quite a bit cheaper i would imagine.

15-02-2007, 12:17
surely u get more than 1 oppertunity to book a hol..

i mean it shud be fairly easy for u to cancel and choose another date, unless u work for a really shitty co. imo.

the renault sport track day is organised already...at spa...some time sep i think.il av a look c.

i work in a team of 5 people 3 of which have kids, so we all faught over dates, i got the ones i wanted due to this trip, putting a few people plans up in the air, cant change them now

J o n
15-02-2007, 12:19
personally I'm not bothered about Spa, but Jon, Rotterdam has what your after and is nearer, if you want to take a day trip there and back we can go in my car, but it will be a flying visit there and back if no one else is bothering... in fact I'll bell you in a bit about that actually...

date's cant really be changed, it took us god knows how long to agree on these as it is, so tbh we cant really change them now. lot of people cant get much time off easily, so it's a little unfair. so dates are set, any changes to those and we are back to square one again...

15-02-2007, 13:31
if the dates are changed me and lee wont be able to make it either as we will be in Egypt.

not too fussed about Spa tbh.

But whatever the majority rules.


J o n
15-02-2007, 14:42
well once we are over there the plan is that we will put up a suggested route and if people want to detour from this that's fine, but as long as the Ring dates are set it wont make any difference, as that's the whole point of the trip anyway. So, what I will do is get a route together and put it up, but the dates we are at the Ring will be set in stone per say, what you do inbetween is up to you, however it would be nice for all of us to stick together rather than going off and doing our own thing.

The Ring as Jon said wont be fully open, it will be 5-9pm iirc, but this isn't a problem for me personally, 3 days there is more than enough as we wont be on track all that time

15-02-2007, 15:55
well once we are over there the plan is that we will put up a suggested route and if people want to detour from this that's fine, but as long as the Ring dates are set it wont make any difference, as that's the whole point of the trip anyway. So, what I will do is get a route together and put it up, but the dates we are at the Ring will be set in stone per say, what you do inbetween is up to you, however it would be nice for all of us to stick together rather than going off and doing our own thing.

The Ring as Jon said wont be fully open, it will be 5-9pm iirc, but this isn't a problem for me personally, 3 days there is more than enough as we wont be on track all that time

Exactly. At £7 a lap also, I doubt we will all be on there all day long.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

J o n
15-02-2007, 17:34
£7? lol, it's more like £12, or goes down to just under £11 for a bulk buy of like 10! Still cheaper than a UK trackday and more fun I bet too!

15-02-2007, 17:49
£7? lol, it's more like £12, or goes down to just under £11 for a bulk buy of like 10! Still cheaper than a UK trackday and more fun I bet too!

I thought it was £7 a lap, my mate paid that when he went with the RS owners club.

Maybe its gone up or they got a good deal with there being so many of them. Still expensive tho.

15-02-2007, 17:52
iirc it is about £7... ill look into it

15-02-2007, 19:34
Its something like 125 Euro for 8 laps. there are other tarrifs (remember its a road..not a track :wink: )..like 4 laps for 65 euro, and 25 for 350.

These are off the top of my head but wont be far wrong. Im sure you confirm them from the net anyway.

15-02-2007, 19:45
4 Lap = €64 > £10.83 per lap
8 Lap = €124 > £10.49 per lap
15 Lap = €220 > £9.93 per lap
25 Lap = €345 > £9.34 per lap
Year Pass = €895

16-02-2007, 11:16
Just checking out some ferry companies and dover to dunkerque can be had for £68 return on the dates we're doing....a fair saving on the 140 quid chunnel?

16-02-2007, 11:18
or as cheap as £58 depending on what time ferry we get...

16-02-2007, 11:25
what I found last year was some crossings would show up, but when you went to pay, they werent available. Having said that, If you book this far in advance cant see them being taken!

19-02-2007, 23:24
Much to my dissapointment i am now unable to make it on this trip, at the mo my life looks grim, all toys and holidays out and fatherhood in!!! I will let you all know which is better when the little bugger arives. hope you all have a good time.

2 live
20-02-2007, 08:43

they worth evrything u give up mate. give it a few years...and the toys can start wormin their way back in ;)

20-02-2007, 19:54

they worth evrything u give up mate. give it a few years...and the toys can start wormin their way back in ;)

Cheers m8, coming from you with your little toe-wrags that fills me with joy!!! lol

2 live
20-02-2007, 20:14

they also give u a kinda chance to relive ur younger days as well lol. i need a little crosser so i can go riding with him now.....hehe.

12-04-2007, 21:44
anyone stilll up for this?

I'm currently sat in pistenklause by the ring...

Been round in my mates bmw and have driven a lap too..

I think my valver would like it here :D :D :D

13-04-2007, 09:42
next year for deffo

2 live
13-04-2007, 11:46
that was said last year lol.

13-04-2007, 11:52
that was said last year lol.

thats why its best to arrange it independantly. to many 'yeah i'm up for its' then when it comes to the crunch they dont have the £ to back it or they have another elaborate excuse

2 live
13-04-2007, 12:58
aye....but there was only 5 of us lol. :roll:

14-04-2007, 11:32
put me down as a maybe ;)

nah, i'd love to bring it!!!

14-05-2007, 12:49
2 lives we are going nest year

not spending thosands on 0171 for no reason

even if its just me and you

17-05-2007, 18:14
Ive got my ferry booked already ;)

2 live
28-11-2007, 11:48
we gunna start organising this now for next year??

i think il be taking a trip along to the ring after the spa day, thats if reno decide to put another one on next year.

J o n
28-11-2007, 13:37
depends on the Spa day, if that's too early in the year I wont be going... plus I have major spending on the Clio first, so might not be able to afford it

28-11-2007, 18:13
The dates are not out for the ring yet?

I will be going to the ring after Spa 08

2 live
28-11-2007, 20:44
rite....so thats 2 then ;)

we could do with getting on to jeremy and seeing when the spa date is gunna be penciled in for next year and kinda work round that.

28-11-2007, 23:00
Im thinking about it need to save some dollars, I started a thread even a few months back ;)

Keep us updated Jon if you book anything!

29-11-2007, 01:07
its not hard to sort at all, when the calender for 2008 is up pick a good date, book it off work and book your ferry/hotels and get saving

there was 5 of us and we met up with some RSOC lads who was in the same hotel as us!

2 live
07-12-2007, 12:11
nope not hard to sort at all. the spa trip went all to plan, pretty much, apart from the 1st hotel being an absolute dump.

mind you. that was only for 2 of us, sorting it out between ourselves., with both of us definately going.

so whos intrested, if i do it next year, it will be tagged on to the spa day, probably wont go any other time tbh.

get names down whos interested in doing both, then at least we can kinda judge for no.s . this will probs not inc the trailered cars, cant see northy wanting to pay the extra on the ferry......;)

J o n
07-12-2007, 14:03
depends when in the year, but if it's not too early then I should be hopefully okay for this... will see on finances!

10-12-2007, 21:33
if all goes well i am a yes. depends on if i break her with the new toys ive bought.

10-12-2007, 23:38
What price was it Jon for Spa, im up for both depending on cash and time

2 live
11-12-2007, 09:36
was £130 for the spa day iirc mate.

think t was about same again for ferry, and same again on juce lol.

hotel was errrrrrrrrrrrr.....about triple......for the night :shock:

J o n
11-12-2007, 11:41
Hotel was worth it though, the F1 in Leige was utter utter poverty spec shite... only thing that surprised me was there were no rats or mice running about.