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View Full Version : Heater matrix fitting help

04-02-2007, 16:23
Ive spent the last couple of days trying to fit my new heater matrix so i can be nice and warm in the mornings.

I kinda followed the Haynes manual, but where it says to remove all the dashboard and surrounding panels, ive loosened them off, pulled the dash out enough so that the matrix could come out. Got the old one out after a bit of jiggling, but the new one went in most of the way and will not budge the last centimetre! It wont move back into its housing at all on that last little bit..

Anybody else had this as i know this is a common job around this time of year, i really need this problem sorted ASAP so i can put the car back together!

04-02-2007, 17:01
mine wouldnt go the last tiny bit so its stayed like that! been like it for over a year now without problem.

04-02-2007, 17:24
Yeh i thought that might work, but when i went back under the engine bay to bolt the blower motor back in none of its bolts were lined up, presumably where the matrix was coming through the bulkhead, forcing the 'air distribution unit' out of alignment...Maybe a bit of force is needed then...

06-02-2007, 15:04
Force it. Mine was like that when I did it last week. Bit of a wiggle and a shove and in she went.

Wahey :P

06-02-2007, 16:47
Took today off work and finished up the job - matrix went in a piece of piss this morning (typical that its easy when im not rushing to get it finished for work the next day!), put the dash back together and now the car is toasty warm inside!

06-02-2007, 18:54
I drove mine for the 1st time today. It's the first drive in 3 years, in the cold, where I've not been freezing my arse off. 8)