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06-05-2005, 13:26
Ive just been informed by my gf that if i attend this years french car show, im dumped ! outrageous.

06-05-2005, 13:28
Tell her she cant dump you if you attend the fcs. Because your dumping her now. :D

06-05-2005, 13:37
Well if GF is Angelina Jolie, Charlie Theron, Cameron Diaz or gives the best BJ in the universe stay HOME, if not BYE....BYE :twisted:

06-05-2005, 13:40
gunner lets face facts - there are plenty of fish in the sea but only one FCS show a year so you know what to do!

06-05-2005, 13:43
damm right im coming... :-)

06-05-2005, 13:43
Gunner if you fail to attend the fcs, i will be most dissapointed. As one of the most humourous persons on here you have a duty to the club that far outweights any debt your gf thinks she is owed.

06-05-2005, 14:00
i am 100% coming along. pm about to be sent.

J o n
06-05-2005, 14:01
ultimatums are not the way to run a relationship, typical bird thing to do that... this 'you need to change your ways to suit mine' attitude is soooo common. If she cant understand your love of cars and the fact you wanna chill with yer mates, she doesn't understand you... you know what to do ;)

... besides, MSN is ripe with poony aint it Gibbo? :lol:

06-05-2005, 14:05
... besides, MSN is ripe with poony aint it Gibbo? :lol:

LOL... thats probably why she's not allowing me to go!

J o n
06-05-2005, 14:14
just reason with her, say "look, I know you dont want me to go and I understand that, but I'm going anyway, so makesure you dont scrape the wallpaper when your dragging your suitcase down the stairs and post the keys through the door"

big hp
06-05-2005, 14:15
Oh well, will you miss her. LOL :wink:

06-05-2005, 15:23
What a load of crap. Do what you want - invite her and if she says no its her problem

06-05-2005, 15:37
Thats out of order, no way to runa relationship

Give her her own ultimatium.....i'm going to FCS, so either leave now, or be gone by the time i get back

06-05-2005, 15:42
Haha, trouble is Gunner lives in her house. :lol:

06-05-2005, 15:46
Haha, trouble is Gunner lives in her house. :lol:

LOL...not good then :(

J o n
06-05-2005, 15:59
hmmm, it's turning a bit CS this thread people, not Gunner's intention i'm sure!

06-05-2005, 16:06
I say kill her.

Or rape her then kill her.

Or kill her then rape her.
