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View Full Version : New dialogys - Does anyone fancy doing me a *Backup* ?

18-12-2006, 00:07

I've been trying for weeks now to get the new version and its not having it!

19-12-2006, 20:01

19-12-2006, 20:03
theres a new one ?

19-12-2006, 20:13
Well I think so - the thing I was trying to get is mashoovie compared to the old one..

19-12-2006, 20:14
where were you getting it ? pm if not broadcastable :wink: my dialogys dont work anymore :cry: i tried reinstalling and no luck :(

19-12-2006, 21:40
where were you getting it ? pm if not broadcastable :wink: my dialogys dont work anymore :cry: i tried reinstalling and no luck :(

Mines bust like that too, but I thought I'd saw some pictures of a newer version..

Oh and it was a torre.... :wink:

19-12-2006, 21:42
ah i will use my limited vast knowledge of pooters to hunt it down pmsl if that makes sense :? :lol:

19-12-2006, 21:48
My appologies people as i was suppose to send this to northy eons ago...

PM me ur addy's and i may be kind enough to make sum copies this week if i get the time in my schedule...

P.S If you work for reno or any copywrite agency f*ck off reading this! :lol:

20-12-2006, 02:21


21-12-2006, 10:44
PM'D also thanks very muchly

big hp
21-12-2006, 11:37

21-12-2006, 17:38
Already pm'd you but i'm jumping on the bandwagon of confirms!

21-12-2006, 18:33
lol me too daz 8)

pm'd and cheers 8)

23-12-2006, 19:58

Re PM.
You have my word that i will not put any copies on Ebay.


23-12-2006, 20:02
Ditto, getting tired of turnign on a seperate PC to swapping monitor etc over everytime i wanna look owt up

23-12-2006, 20:05
Cheers lads... just off to find some CD-Sized envelopes

Think i may have to dig out some of the un-used ghey xmas cards 4 u all, muhhahhh

23-12-2006, 20:10
cheers chap 8)

06-01-2007, 16:57
got these sent out yet ?

06-01-2007, 19:13
I'm still waiting for mine, but eh lad is doing us a favour and we ain't paying owt so can't really complain :P 8)

06-01-2007, 19:29
i wasn't complaining, just inquiring :wink:

06-01-2007, 20:17
all if anyone else feels like sending me a copy that would be great :D and very hand too

06-01-2007, 21:26
I'm still waiting for mine, but eh lad is doing us a favour and we ain't paying owt so can't really complain :P 8)

Aye not heard anything about mine but as you say its very generous of the fella 8)

big hp
06-01-2007, 23:02
Patience paople, i've been told they'll be sent out soon, he's been very busy at moment.

07-01-2007, 00:53
Busy is an understatment... lol

But u will be glad to know i even handed them to mr. posty today, 2nd class stamps tho so expect a rather dodgy looking brown envelope poping through your door at some point next week! :wink:

Now does anyone fancy completing my entire 1st semester of uni work 4 me?? #-o

07-01-2007, 12:55
If its ciovil engineering/constuction related i'll gladly help otherwise you're best off without my help lol

07-01-2007, 14:02
cheers bri 8)

07-01-2007, 17:17
Now does anyone fancy completing my entire 1st semester of uni work 4 me?? #-o

Whats the fanny look like? if theres some gud uns i'm in :wink:

07-01-2007, 19:19
cheers buddy :D you are officialy a legend

07-01-2007, 19:39
Daz... Hull Uni mate... Need i say more, lol

09-01-2007, 03:21
Got mine, thanks mate.

Not tried to install it yet tho.


09-01-2007, 18:51
got mine. just attempting install 8)

cheers bri

09-01-2007, 18:53
installed and working!!

Just got to figure out how the hell to use it properly now.. :shock:

09-01-2007, 19:25
installed and working... top bloke 8) many thanks :D

09-01-2007, 19:26
installed and working!!

Just got to figure out how the hell to use it properly now.. :shock:

practice man, it took me ages just to find the parts bit :lol: easy to find tho so dont panic 8)

09-01-2007, 19:33
anyone willing to do me a copy if it works on Macs?

09-01-2007, 19:37
anyone willing to do me a copy if it works on Macs?

Sorry dude i never got the MAC disks @ the time... :oops:

big hp
09-01-2007, 19:49
Cheers mate your a legend!!!!!

09-01-2007, 20:06
Cheers mate your a legend!!!!!

No worries mate... although as a legend surely i deserve "two speedline" status :wink:

09-01-2007, 20:09
hehe. Recieved it today thatnkyou very much, but how the fook do you install it? i get to a message this far 'to realize this installation, go in directory named "installateurs" on didactitiel CD-Rom' im not the biggest coputer boff so im confused . . .

09-01-2007, 20:11
anyone willing to do me a copy if it works on Macs?

Sorry dude i never got the MAC disks @ the time... :oops: :cry:

09-01-2007, 20:17
Oh dear i was hoping not to have to do this... lol

OK here goes... install the following programs (or at least already have them)

1.) E:\Dialogy_Disk1\english\Installers\AcrobatReader

2.) E:\Dialogy_Disk1\english\Installers\JavaRunTime

3.) E:\Dialogy_Disk1\english\Installers\QuickTime

Once thats done install the dialogys program:

4.) E:\Dialogy_Disk1\InstallPC

Then once thats complete move onto Disk2

5.) E:\Dialogy_Disk2\InstallPC

Reboot and open dialogys, you will ned your car info such as fabrication number etc and then just click on everything you can to get a feel for it, lol :lol:

09-01-2007, 20:19
Dont cry rich.. just buy a PC like us normal folk... :hug:

09-01-2007, 20:31
thats what ive been doing and its not wroking :( . . . . HELPPPPPP

09-01-2007, 20:34
think the problem is its not installing the readers properly :S as i cant find them on my pc once there installed . . . .

09-01-2007, 20:36
it unpacks them and then nothing happens after that, any ideas ? ? ?

09-01-2007, 20:36
Well once your all installed you should have a dialogys program listed under your program menu... click on that and it should open dialogys into the "identity" screen.

Are you getting that far?

Ive not had any problems with the install so far on any comp... your not trying to run it from CD are you??


09-01-2007, 20:37
it unpacks them and then nothing happens after that, any ideas ? ? ?

What OS system you running??

09-01-2007, 20:39
OS?? come on speak englinsh lol, if you mean what i think then windows XP. I cant see this extra thing anywhere?

09-01-2007, 20:40
what i did,

uninstalled any existing java runtime, quicktime and adobe reader.

installed adobe from E:\Dialogy_Disk1\english\Installers\AcrobatReader

then installed java from E:\Dialogy_Disk1\english\Installers\JavaRunTime

then installed quicktime from E:\Dialogy_Disk1\english\Installers\QuickTime
make sure you select custom installation for quicktime and select all options.

after that i did E:\Dialogy_Disk1\InstallPC
then E:\Dialogy_Disk2\InstallPC

basically as bri said

mine worked fine with no reboot

09-01-2007, 20:42
OS is operating system ie windows XP as you have said

jay s
09-01-2007, 20:44
got mine today, thanks fella :D , tried installing it today and had no luck :( i get the dialogy mpf, click on it and it opens a white blank page :? gonna uninstall it and try again, will let u know how i get on..... ( oh and im using window xp home ed, sp2 )

09-01-2007, 20:44
Well im off out but ill leave you in the capable hand off our fellow friends...

If you still have problems mate PM me your MSN address and ill speak to you on MSN later on, hopefully be able to talk you through it all :D

jay s
09-01-2007, 20:46
oh and im glad im not the only one having problems installing it :D

09-01-2007, 20:46
Same goes to you jay, just talk to me on msn... i always managed to get the old version working even if i had to alter the damn java script, lol

09-01-2007, 20:47
i can try and help through remote assistance.. if any one requires it

09-01-2007, 21:08
pc+widow=problem solved :lol:

nope im still stuck, cant get pc to install acrobat reader properly it only unpacks it then does nothing with it ??? think that would solve my problems to be honest if i could get it to install, java and quicktime have gone on okay. Have looked for any other acrobat on the system anywhere and there isnt any already installed. I dont know whats going on . . .

09-01-2007, 21:10
try searching for adobe reader 4 in google and install it that way

09-01-2007, 21:19
will try that in a sec and let you know what happens . . . .

jay s
09-01-2007, 22:38
mines still not working, i just keeping getting a white screen when i click on the dialogy link :? ive added u to msn bbb

09-01-2007, 22:46
rite well downloaded adobe reader 4 off internet and it now installs, god knows why it wouldnt install it off the cd. Anyway all installed now but same problem as jay white screen when its loaded up, is it a case of uninstall and try again?

09-01-2007, 22:52
did you make sure you done custom intsall on quicktime and checked all the boxes ?? its the only reason i can think that causes that :?

10-01-2007, 08:14
cant say i did, was just a case of clicking next most of it. Will try re-installing that then too