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View Full Version : Driveshaft Guru's help needed.

03-12-2006, 21:06
I was stripping off the nearside stub axle to get a bearing replaced and in the process removed the driveshaft out from the gearbox also.
two things happened:
1 a lot of gearbox oil drained out :?
and 2 one ring appeared on the floor with the litres of oil that poured out.
took a closer look inside and found the top ring in the photo sitting nicely in place however it appears that the bottom ring is broken.

Can anyone confirm that the bottom ring in the picture should be one complete ring or should it be as it appears in the photo?


03-12-2006, 21:11
it should be a complete ring mate, it also has a small tab on it on the new ones, reno will sell u both for about £6-7

the bottom one sits in first them the top circlip to hold it all in :) and yes u will lose box oil when u take the boot off, drain plug in opn the bottom side of the box!

03-12-2006, 21:25
where else in the world would you get that sort of expertise eh!
brilliant thanks a mil richy :wink:

03-12-2006, 21:29
np mate, btw it should read, the drain plug is on the bottom of the box!