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View Full Version : Further south you go, the less people can drive...

J o n
06-11-2006, 10:48
this may be my ignorant northern view, but **** it, I'm not bothered and have to rant...

I was in Wokingham last week and as I got further south I came to the revelation that further down the country you go the more stupid people become behind the wheel, as never in my life have I seen so many **** tards just sat in the outside lane doing between 50 and 70mph... what the ****? it's for overtaking and driving at speed so move the **** over! I thought it may have just been coincidence, but low and behold it was the same on the way back... so I eneded up losing it and just driving in the slow lane, WHICH WAS CLEAR! and just undertook every ****er... utter stupidity, never seen owt like it before!

06-11-2006, 10:49
You wanna try living down here :roll:

2 live
06-11-2006, 10:51
lol......used to really piss me off on me weekly trek down south. inside lane clear....middle lane scattered cars.outside lane full of nobs in no rush.

inside lane is where its at ;)

06-11-2006, 10:54
agree.........its ****ing pathetic.

roundabouts and indicating are even worse issues for me...........i'll end up stabbing someone and you'll read about it in the papers. :roll:

J o n
06-11-2006, 11:01
lmao@Ben, I'm not surprised, I noticed it going to Kimbolten the other week too, thought it was just a day for nobs, but this is the third week and 3rd there and back journey from south of England and each time it seems to get worse :x

it amazes me that they dont put traffic cameras into proper use, instead of GATSO's why now just fine ignorant motorists, I mean think about it, in the long run I'm less likely to go ape shit, get out the car and shoot/stab someone from a road rage related incident.

06-11-2006, 11:04
Yeah but i've noticed as you go further and further north they can't design roads for shit, everywhere you go round leeds/bradford there are traffic jams, throughout the day too!!!

J o n
06-11-2006, 11:05
well get a job you pikey, then you can drive in the evening when roads are quiet ;)

2 live
06-11-2006, 11:11
or better still.......get a job workin nights then u can thrash round in someone elses motor for free.....bit slower than the williams like...not 1/2 as much fun...but twice as scary hehe.

06-11-2006, 11:28
well get a job you pikey, then you can drive in the evening when roads are quiet ;)

I have a job thankyou, i arrive at work at 7am and leave at 6pm, i have a couple of days off, its when you are taying to get to the shops a mile up the road and it takes you 15 mins, and rush hour, **** me you'd be better off walking

2 live
06-11-2006, 11:38
but there are a lot of immigrants on bradastan an leeds

06-11-2006, 12:01
in the civilised part of the north, the roads are fine.

in deepest yorkshire, theres not much call for tarmac with horse n'cart.

06-11-2006, 12:37
I normally live in bracknell which is right next to wokingham, and the drivers arnt tooo bad, but you do get the odd nobhead.

But down in bournemouth where im at university, everyone pulls out on each other at roundabouts and everyone drinks within an inch of the car infront lol! its mad :O

06-11-2006, 13:39
and everyone drinks within an inch of the car infront lol! its mad :O

i can imagine!!

06-11-2006, 15:48
Devon and cornwall are great when there are no tourists though - I was having to cane it to keep up with locals! LoL

Smokey McPot
06-11-2006, 16:05
The biggest problem i have with northerners driving is their continual need to stop and tell me; 'it weren't like this in my day'. Now im sure it wasn't and everything was great riding your bike up the cobbles in your flatcap and breeches to collect you loaf of hovis for a ha'penny.

You northern folk really have it good, you're not used to 3 lane motorways and the like, us sotherners are. So we take them for granted while you're pootling on the inside in a daze of wonderment at how things are different doon sooth.

When will you learn that hardshoulders aren't for a quick spot of picnic wi' the wireless on, while you eat potted meat sandwiches?

(disclaimer:some facts may be exaggerated)

06-11-2006, 16:08
agree.........its f***king pathetic.

roundabouts and indicating are even worse issues for me...........i'll end up stabbing someone and you'll read about it in the papers. :roll:

very very true, alot of idiots round here dont have a clue what an indicator is!!!!! :evil:

06-11-2006, 16:12
i think this thread is full of poo persoanlly :gay:

jesus ,you must be bored to death mate :spam:

06-11-2006, 16:14
agree.........its f***king pathetic.

roundabouts and indicating are even worse issues for me...........i'll end up stabbing someone and you'll read about it in the papers. :roll:

very very true, alot of idiots round here dont have a clue what an indicator is!!!!! :evil:

Roundabouts are ways to get ahead of people by quickley switching lanes, and indicators are only used if you have a car close behind you where you wana be...ie in the proper lane

J o n
06-11-2006, 16:26
The biggest problem i have with northerners driving is their continual need to stop and tell me; 'it weren't like this in my day'. Now im sure it wasn't and everything was great riding your bike up the cobbles in your flatcap and breeches to collect you loaf of hovis for a ha'penny.

You northern folk really have it good, you're not used to 3 lane motorways and the like, us sotherners are. So we take them for granted while you're pootling on the inside in a daze of wonderment at how things are different doon sooth.

When will you learn that hardshoulders aren't for a quick spot of picnic wi' the wireless on, while you eat potted meat sandwiches?

(disclaimer:some facts may be exaggerated)

people actually pull you over in the car to tell you that? wow! lol

i think this thread is full of poo persoanlly Gay

jesus ,you must be bored to death mate Spam

not bored enough to converse with you however

J o n
06-11-2006, 16:28
... but either way shakal it's true from my past 3 weeks experience, you southern faries can't drive for shit, I've seen Americans with more skills and they drive through cones in a car park in order to pass a test :lol:

Smokey McPot
06-11-2006, 16:28
The biggest problem i have with northerners driving is their continual need to stop and tell me; 'it weren't like this in my day'. Now im sure it wasn't and everything was great riding your bike up the cobbles in your flatcap and breeches to collect you loaf of hovis for a ha'penny.

You northern folk really have it good, you're not used to 3 lane motorways and the like, us sotherners are. So we take them for granted while you're pootling on the inside in a daze of wonderment at how things are different doon sooth.

When will you learn that hardshoulders aren't for a quick spot of picnic wi' the wireless on, while you eat potted meat sandwiches?

(disclaimer:some facts may be exaggerated)

people actually pull you over in the car to tell you that? wow! lol

Nah my mates Dad's h'ariginally from Sheffield, hes loves to start his stories 'In my day'

J o n
06-11-2006, 16:31
telling them from the comfort of the bisto gravy bath :lol:

Smokey McPot
06-11-2006, 16:37
Thankfully I've never seen my mates dad in his bath. But i know he got pissed off when the bisto was replaced with knorr.

06-11-2006, 16:47
I currently work/rent in Surrey...and travel home to Scotland when I can. My Willy 3 is up there and there is nothing like the Scottish roads for motoring. I agree down here its the ferking pits...congestion, speed limits at 40mph..then at 50mph..then 1 mile down the road back to 40..then back up to 60mph...and all the time fighting to move forward. As for the road conditions ...ferking chronic too.

Ferking cars everywhere...I ride a bike here and you need to keep constant eye out for dicks...but I am stuck as I need to earn some dosh for the ex wife...and two daughters at Uni...so just gotta to go with it.

I am into wife swapping..anyone got a good meccano set for mine.

J o n
06-11-2006, 16:48
not even once? weird... we have a bath each in the living room, chairs are a thing of the past... or maybe the future... will have to see what evolution holds in store for us yorkshire folk :lol:

Smokey McPot
06-11-2006, 16:55
Since they moved down south, they've no longer needed to heat the bath infront of the Aga. And they have an inside toilet now too.

06-11-2006, 16:57
... but either way shakal it's true from my past 3 weeks experience, you southern faries can't drive for s**t, I've seen Americans with more skills and they drive through cones in a car park in order to pass a test :lol:

I tell you one thing, though - southern faries wouldn't be scared of a front-wheel-drive car that wheel spins a lot.

J o n
06-11-2006, 17:00
... but either way shakal it's true from my past 3 weeks experience, you southern faries can't drive for s**t, I've seen Americans with more skills and they drive through cones in a car park in order to pass a test :lol:

I tell you one thing, though - southern faries wouldn't be scared of a front-wheel-drive car that wheel spins a lot.

because they would be in the outside lane doing 40mph, so they would never see one ;)

06-11-2006, 17:04
... but either way shakal it's true from my past 3 weeks experience, you southern faries can't drive for s**t, I've seen Americans with more skills and they drive through cones in a car park in order to pass a test :lol:

i think you should try ghey bars rather than the motorway
for your flirting means badboy :wink:


J o n
06-11-2006, 17:44
what have ghey bars got to do with this thread? if I wanted to meet you I may venture to one, however I have no such interest, so no more PM's with pics of your flacid cock thanks :roll: ... moving swiftly on... :lol:

06-11-2006, 17:45
what have ghey bars got to do with this thread? if I wanted to meet you I may venture to one, however I have no such interest, so no more PM's with pics of your flacid cock thanks :roll: ... moving swiftly on... :lol:

DENIAL !!!! :gay:

06-11-2006, 19:31
:rofl: this thread rocks :yourock:

06-11-2006, 20:21
agree.........its f***king pathetic.

roundabouts and indicating are even worse issues for me...........i'll end up stabbing someone and you'll read about it in the papers. :roll:

very very true, alot of idiots round here dont have a clue what an indicator is!!!!! :evil:

Roundabouts are ways to get ahead of people by quickley switching lanes, and indicators are only used if you have a car close behind you where you wana be...ie in the proper lane

Sounds like a bad idea.........since indication is there to let other road users on other junctions know exactly where you are going, so they dont sit there until you exit the roundabout.

Its bellends that dont indicate even if there is nobody behind them that annoy me..........it wastes 0.00274ltrs of my fuel to stop and go again, it increases global warming and pollution from my brake pads and emissions, and it wasts 2.872 seconds of my day, where i could of continued at 67mph accoross the roundabout if you told me you were coming off at my exit.

So please, indicate......................

06-11-2006, 20:28
Yeah but to be honest even if someone is indicating to come off a roundabout i still stop till they are coming off, had too many people change they mind and head straight for me

06-11-2006, 20:30
You wanna try living down here :roll:

agreed - to many old c u n t s on the bloody road

06-11-2006, 20:45
Yeah but to be honest even if someone is indicating to come off a roundabout i still stop till they are coming off, had too many people change they mind and head straight for me

precisely why people should learn to indicate properly.

Otherwise we might aswell employ the use of cross junctions like the states because our nation isnt intelligent enough to forewarn other road users of their actions.

06-11-2006, 20:59
i know how to indicate properly i just choose not to

06-11-2006, 21:41
After living in North London for 8months...i can cattagorically confirm that 99% of the drivers their/arround/down south are ****ing thick ****s.

no offence meant to anyone here like.

Its a case of, i think anyway, they are just used to it...."so why change it"? also since theres far more people, the concentration of stupidity and cuntiness is far stonger down south.

07-11-2006, 09:42
i know how to indicate properly i just choose not to

So you're not ignorant like the rest of them; your just arrogant? :P

J o n
07-11-2006, 09:47
i know how to indicate properly i just choose not to

you should move down south then, your driving style (or lack of) would be welcomed

07-11-2006, 09:55
No it sodding well wouldn't!

J o n
07-11-2006, 10:00
no no, I insist :lol:

07-11-2006, 11:45
i know how to indicate properly i just choose not to

you should move down south then, your driving style (or lack of) would be welcomed

I'm a midlander, i'm just working in the NW

07-11-2006, 14:08
... I need to earn some dosh for the ex wife...and two daughters at Uni...so just gotta to go with it....

Whitiiisschh! That's the sound of you being WHIPPED!! :lol:

Us southerners drive slow to enjoy the sunshine that occaisonally happens in these parts - You know the sun, Northerners, it's that big yellow thing you see on TV. You should come down and try it sometime :P

J o n
07-11-2006, 15:20
aaah, "sun", gotcha, I always wondered what the "san" was, know I know it's just the silly local accent ;) :lol:

07-11-2006, 17:45
Isn't it a newspaper?

J o n
07-11-2006, 19:58
nope, that's "TheSun" :roll: :lol: