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View Full Version : door cards

23-06-2006, 10:42
how do you remove doorcards? ive took all the screws out i think, but it still seems solid? have i missed something??

23-06-2006, 10:54
yep, 12 miles of sticky gunk crap that holds it to the metal all around the edge, plus about 7 or 8 little plastic clip things that just pop out.

you really have to pull hard on it.

dont get the sticky stuff on ur clothes, it'll never come out again!!!

23-06-2006, 21:38
Do you want to refit the doorcards after removing them or just strip it? If the latter, once you have got some of the sticky stuff off roll it up into a ball. Then use it to dab at the rest of the stuff on there, as I found that the best thing to get the sticky stuff off... was... the sticky stuff!

24-06-2006, 09:57
i just pulled em off!! removing them to sell them!