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21-06-2006, 01:21
Why does arj256 ask so many questions??


21-06-2006, 01:38
i refuse to answer as arj256 as worn me out :P

21-06-2006, 09:47
Because he's trying to get something out of this - currently dead - forum? :wink:

J o n
21-06-2006, 10:01
Because he's trying to get something out of this - currently dead - forum? :wink:

lol, fair play.

I've not been using this place much recently, sign of things to come though, the Williams is no longer the icon to me that it was... been there done that now, so lost interest totally

21-06-2006, 10:08
I thought you were gonna keep it as a second car? Or has something else fallen off/broken again?!

21-06-2006, 12:20
Lol was just trying to get the discussion forum active again :wink:

And owning a Clio it never works, so the internet has to do lol

J o n
21-06-2006, 12:31
I thought you were gonna keep it as a second car? Or has something else fallen off/broken again?!

I will do, unless I buy an E46 M3, in which case I'll save for a Cup racer for track days.

Nah, it's been okay recently, only 1 calliper and rear brake disk wanted replacing, still need to do that when I can be arsed... as you can guess, I couldn't give a rats ass anymore about it, I'll drive it into the ground until I find my new car.

21-06-2006, 12:53
I would have given up long ago! If a car continues to cost me money after I've bought it and done the original jobs, I'll sell it before I get too attached or put too much into it! Sorry, not really the most useful adive to give you now! :oops:

Going for an E46 now then? Much better choice 8)

Go for a car with 18s if you can do without the looks of the 19s. Much better drive, particularly with the cabs. And manuals are still the way to go. If nothing else, it removes the temptation to use the harshest SMG setting and killing the drivetrain within minutes!

J o n
21-06-2006, 13:14
yup, now I think I'll be keeping cars for a year or two, want a M3 next, then an Evo, then an R33 GT-R and if I dont keep them too long they wont cost me as much and I get to try more cars out.

I'm still going for the E36 really, but if this E46 can be bought for around 17k (instead of the advertised 19k) then it will be bargain of the century and I can drive it free for a year as it will not lose a penny. It's a mate of mine that's selling it. It's yellow with the mustard coloured leathers and 40odd K or something... failing that back to original plan of getting a GT.

If I get the E46 I wont be too bothered about the handling etc, it's just going to be good for pointing in a straight line and general driving about in... I think I'm getting old... lol

I wont touch anything SMG by BMW, it broke on the E36 and nothing has changed since... oh, apart from the diff's being made even weaker... lol

22-06-2006, 13:34
Changing cars regularly is the way forward. Get to try more great cars that way :D

It's not so much the handling that the 19s ruin but the comfy ride (and it sounds like you'll be needing that bit the most :lol: ). Still, the 19s look the dong 8)