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View Full Version : Pics of Willy Wheels??

30-04-2006, 21:56
Getting my wheels recon'd, they have been done sometime in the past with the wrong gold and without the silver rim.

Can someone take a pic of one of their wheels and post it up for me so i can show the referbers.

Ta :D


30-04-2006, 22:03
U won't get a true picture of the colour off a camera mate u would need to show them in the flesh really.

30-04-2006, 22:28
Yea, not arsed about the colour match being bob on, just so they know how i want the silver rim....otherwise they'll just copy how it is at the mo (fully gold) which i don't want.

If i show them a pic, there can be no excuses!!


30-04-2006, 23:04
where u havin it done crossers is it near bury/rochdale/manchester
im hoping to have mine done soon and was going to use Proclean
they look real nice and supply there own paint code for willy wheels
very nice pics in link


01-05-2006, 03:25
get a new centre cap, that will have the right colour