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View Full Version : Mids & South Yorkshire meet - lake district sleep over

24-04-2006, 21:38
well thought id start the ball rolling.....

put names down whos interested, nuthins 4 sure yet, this is just 2 get an idea of if its a good idea or not....lukin at the thread in the media section though id say it is!

....dont think well set any dates till after FCS.....actually we could discuss at the FCS :)

EDIT : just in case you dont already kno the plans, they are...

for the mids people and the northan people to meet up and have a blast around the lake district....

then maybe park up for some food and a chat....

then a blast round in the dark b4 we finally set up camp in our cars 2 maybe have a few beers etc.....

for those of u who r not as hard core as the rest im sure theres a travle lodge u can kip at :wink:

24-04-2006, 21:41
As long as the dates are right....Im defo there! :D

24-04-2006, 21:41
4got 2 add my name 2 the list :roll:

1] iLL_MoVeS

24-04-2006, 21:43
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI

24-04-2006, 21:45
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100

24-04-2006, 21:48
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops

24-04-2006, 21:48
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3] craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v!

24-04-2006, 21:48
ha beat ya scott! :P

1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v

24-04-2006, 21:49
sneaky bugger! :wink:

24-04-2006, 22:03
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio

Count me in! Should be a right giggle specially with a few jars!

24-04-2006, 22:05
sneaky bugger! :wink:
LoL :wink:

24-04-2006, 22:14
y did we have 2 start talkin about this now!?....

i cant waite! :D

24-04-2006, 22:18
y did we have 2 start talkin about this now!?....

i cant waite! :D

i know, but it gives us something to look forward to after fcs

24-04-2006, 22:23
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio
7] Lunner

Clio b
24-04-2006, 22:32
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio
7] Lunner
8] Clio B - depending on dates

Sleepin in the cars is gonna be a rite laugh... i'm excited already! :D

24-04-2006, 22:33
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio
7] Lunner
8] Clio B - depending on dates

Sleepin in the cars is gonna be a rite laugh... i'm excited already! :D

Can i sleep in your car.....sleeping in bucket seats doesn't appeal to me

24-04-2006, 22:35
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio
7] Lunner
8] Clio B - depending on dates

Sleepin in the cars is gonna be a rite laugh... i'm excited already! :D

Can i sleep in your car.....sleeping in bucket seats doesn't appeal to me



Clio b
24-04-2006, 22:37
First my hotel sofa....now my car! Might have to fight lucy for some space!

24-04-2006, 22:42
There is one problem clio b tho......gray in his RSi got pretty much left behind last time, you aren't even gonna see the convoy on your 1.4......think we were hitting 120 at some points

Clio b
24-04-2006, 22:46
Fine then i wont come!!! :cry:

Then again.... i could have a fiesta turb in june... that mite keep up a little bit better!

24-04-2006, 22:48
lol u may awell keep the cliio

Clio b
24-04-2006, 22:49
Hmmm well i got my heart set on the turb! Drove a mates and loved it! But i dont know...mite change me mind after fcs!

24-04-2006, 22:51
May as well spend ur money on a valver, least it would be worth it

24-04-2006, 22:52
Hmmm well i got my heart set on the turb! Drove a mates and loved it! But i dont know...mite change me mind after fcs!

stick wi the clio lol

Clio b
24-04-2006, 22:53
I dont know... kinda going off renaults! Just loved the feel when the turbo kicked in! Will think more about it in the next few months! At the moment i'm enjoying annoying scotte666 talkin bout turbs all the time while we're working out at the gym! he he!

24-04-2006, 22:56
most fiesta's are pants....may as well build a clio turbo

Clio b
24-04-2006, 22:59
Not really looking at spending loads of money... think the only other clio i would ever get would be a dimma!

Like i said tho will prob get the idea out of my head and change my mind soon! I'll see when i got some money!

25-04-2006, 08:02
same problem for a from a different angle anyway, try getting round the corners! :wink: :lol:

Clio b
25-04-2006, 08:36
Loads of people have told me fiesta RST's are shite round corners... but i'm a good driver anyway! As long as i can pull away from the lights quick enough and the car looks cute i'll be happy!!

Anyway we're kinda takin over the post!! :lol: :D

25-04-2006, 17:36
There is one problem clio b tho......gray in his RSi got pretty much left behind last time, you aren't even gonna see the convoy on your 1.4......think we were hitting 120 at some points

if there are cars coming with smaller engines we will have 2 drive at a slower pace this time

the people who wish 2 kill them selfs can go on a seperate run once weve set up camp :wink:

25-04-2006, 17:48
1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio
7] Lunner
8] Clio B - depending on dates
9] Will-Jr - ^depending on dates also^

25-04-2006, 18:12
wondered wen u was gona put ur name down gav lol

i think every1s put there names down dependin on dates....ur a rep any way gav....u can change the date :roll:


25-04-2006, 18:18
There is one problem clio b tho......gray in his RSi got pretty much left behind last time, you aren't even gonna see the convoy on your 1.4......think we were hitting 120 at some points

if there are cars coming with smaller engines we will have 2 drive at a slower pace this time

the people who wish 2 kill them selfs can go on a seperate run once weve set up camp :wink:

Sounds good to me...i laugh at death :lol:

25-04-2006, 18:30
who could miss living like u were 10 again and goin out camping lol

1] iLL_MoVeS
2] LaurenGTI
3} craig100
4] Coops
5] Scott-16v
6] AmirClio
7] Lunner
8] Clio B - depending on dates
9] Will-Jr - ^depending on dates also^
10] Dancliovalver

25-04-2006, 18:56
oooo 10 people already and theres still ages 2 go! :P

25-04-2006, 18:57
Looks like a big one! :D

25-04-2006, 19:01
i think northy and the northan lot should get there asses over 2 this 1.....no excuse not 2...its after FCS 2 :wink:

26-04-2006, 22:41
...i also think a BBQ is in order! :P

26-04-2006, 22:48
nah, blowtorch, knife and a field of cows is all u need! :twisted:

26-04-2006, 22:56
sod the slow drive, they can jump in as a passenger with a willy/valver owner :wink:

26-04-2006, 22:59
nah, blowtorch, knife and a field of cows is all u need! :twisted:

dont 4get the sheep lauren n lunner have been on about :wink:


27-04-2006, 00:27

**squeal like a pig boi**

27-04-2006, 07:13
lol :roll: ,lets stop about that now,its makin me ill lol.looks like it will be a good turnout

27-04-2006, 13:34
Im up for this, but have never done a meet before.

Where would you guys actually be meeting?

Clio b
27-04-2006, 13:37
as i'm not allowed to come with my SLOW car... maybe i'll just have to get my turb before the meet!!! Yeah rite! :D

27-04-2006, 15:04
ffs bloody women taking everything outa context, i simply stated that if the dash was at the same speed as the derbyshire one you would end up getting left behind, as gray in his RSi was struggling to keep up......stop with the attention seeking :roll: :wink:

NOTHING was said about you not being able to come

Clio b
27-04-2006, 15:14
blimey... i was JOKING! :lol: :D

27-04-2006, 15:15
i could never seriously be THAT harsh....close but not that harsh

Clio b
27-04-2006, 15:25
good! ya best not be harsh either... jus remember who's sofa ur sleepin on next month! :lol: :lol:

27-04-2006, 16:56
good! ya best not be harsh either... jus remember who's sofa ur sleepin on next month! :lol: :lol:

yeah. Next excuse will be, damn clio b this sofa is really unconfortable can i go top and tail in your bed? :wink:

28-04-2006, 22:03
Im up for this, but have never done a meet before.

Where would you guys actually be meeting?

not sure yet m8....wed prob set up meeting points on the way up....prob get craig or scott 2 lead the way as they kno the area...i think lol

but well decide all this after FCS....or at FCS

29-04-2006, 13:58
i don't know the peak district roads i'm afraid, i'll let craig sort that out :wink:

02-05-2006, 20:36
i don't know the peak district roads i'm afraid, i'll let craig sort that out :wink:

ye bout time he did sum rep work :wink:

talkin of him...has he gone in or come out from his opp yet?

02-05-2006, 22:02
it got put back a month i think matey, something to do with not being able to put him under aneasthic safely.

03-05-2006, 18:55
dont know a run myself but if me n u do a meet sometime and go through it together and lead em all up?what you reckon scott?
this op think has now been changed to june 30th cause im a fookin big wimp who s**t himself when goin into theatre and fainted lol

03-05-2006, 18:57
dont know a run myself but if me n u do a meet sometime and go through it together and lead em all up?what you reckon scott?
this op think has now been changed to june 30th cause im a fookin big wimp who s**t himself when goin into theatre and fainted lol

fpmsl! wimp :wink:

03-05-2006, 19:03
lol,get your car done lol

03-05-2006, 19:14
LOL....they shud av operated while u was out cold :lol:

if no1 knos a run....i say we all just drive up there n get lost :D

03-05-2006, 19:33
they wouldnt,i asked why n they baffled me with some s**t lol

whatever,sounds like a plan

25-05-2006, 18:04
remember people we need to talk about this at the FCS!

ill speak with W Jr and then arrange a time 2 quickly have a chat about it....

whos not cumin FCS but is coming on this meet?

25-05-2006, 22:39
moi!! :P

26-05-2006, 00:35
:( fag!

01-06-2006, 07:30
Are dates gettin sorted for this then?


01-06-2006, 17:45
Are dates gettin sorted for this then?


was ment 2 talk about it at FCS m8....but so much 4 that idea lol...

my car wont be on the road so ill prob be attendin in my run around if i ever get round 2 buyin 1!

what dates do people have in mind then?....i was thinkin a month or so from now?

02-06-2006, 07:17
tbh i totally forgot about it ppl.yeah i reckon about a month away or somethin,
u can jump in wi me if yous aint on the road mate?

02-06-2006, 18:18
tbh i totally forgot about it ppl.yeah i reckon about a month away or somethin,
u can jump in wi me if yous aint on the road mate?

nice 1 craig :D

if were all sleepin in our cars i could park my run around up where were sleepin then jump in wiv u on the "run" we will no doubt have? :wink:

i was gona talk 2 ya bout it, but every time i saw ya u were gone after 2 seconds! lol

02-06-2006, 21:39
completely forgot we were meant to talk about this :oops:

05-06-2006, 07:41
tbh i totally forgot about it ppl.yeah i reckon about a month away or somethin,
u can jump in wi me if yous aint on the road mate?

nice 1 craig :D

if were all sleepin in our cars i could park my run around up where were sleepin then jump in wiv u on the "run" we will no doubt have? :wink:

i was gona talk 2 ya bout it, but every time i saw ya u were gone after 2 seconds! lol

lol sorry mate.have to have a meet and talk about it if u want sometime soon