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24-04-2006, 21:20
goin for one on friday and really am feelin sick with fear now cause i never had one before.
went to doctors after weeks of worry of big C,but after tests,turns out to be a fooked vain which is holding blood, so they gotta re route it or something,didnt take much notice after he said operation and nearly s**t myself lol

24-04-2006, 21:27
lol u should be ok m8....

just think of all the attention and gifts etc ur gona get!

hope everythin gos smoothly 4 ya!

24-04-2006, 21:30
my luck is though i wont end up with a nice lookin nurse,she will be like matron off carry on films lol

cheers anyway mate

24-04-2006, 21:36
she will be like matron thats the best sort
vigorous bed baths rock

you will be sorted in no time mate
in and out before ya know it :)
good luck

24-04-2006, 21:37
good to know it aint cancer mate. id see it as a big relief myself, and a positive. glad to here you are okay!

24-04-2006, 21:38
It'll be ok Craig....they guna put you to sleep? Ive had a few op's and they're not nice but if it needs to be done, then at least it will make you better after!

Good luck! :D

24-04-2006, 21:47
after my last op i threw up for hours, something to do with what they used to knock me out lol good luck :wink:

24-04-2006, 21:51
Dont be such a big girl :wink: , you'll be fine :)

24-04-2006, 21:55
thanks richy lol,there givin me these tablets that stop you bein sick after anyway

24-04-2006, 21:56
It'll be ok Craig....they guna put you to sleep? Ive had a few op's and they're not nice but if it needs to be done, then at least it will make you better after!

Good luck! :D

its give me some right pain so at least when its done its over

24-04-2006, 22:04
Exactly...then ull be feeling better again in no time! Let us know how it all goes! :D

24-04-2006, 22:12
whats it like going under general? is it drowsy, like falling asleep or are one second ur there n next its all over?i've never had an op, or even been to hospital for that matter (well except to be born! :lol: )

24-04-2006, 22:13
Never had an op, only been to hospital after a fight and when i sliced my hand open

24-04-2006, 22:13
Its the weirdest feeling when u come round...u feel really out of it,and you just want things to be normal, cant really explain it but makes me feel funny....oh and a little sick too! :(

24-04-2006, 22:15
yeah, u are fully awake then all of a sudden gone, next thing u know u wake up feely drowsey and sick, i was throwing up after! :lol:

24-04-2006, 22:15
well i dont wanna know what its like after just want it over with and normal again lol.

ill be postin on morning and after when i get with the programme again lol

24-04-2006, 22:16
yeah, u are fully awake then all of a sudden gone, next thing u know u wake up feely drowsey and sick, i was throwing up after! :lol:

ok ok i get it

24-04-2006, 22:16
well i dont wanna know what its like after just want it over with and normal again lol.

ill be postin on morning and after when i get with the programme again lol

Sorry...didnt mean to put you off!! Its ok really....you feel as high as a kite!! :lol:

24-04-2006, 22:19
well i dont wanna know what its like after just want it over with and normal again lol.

ill be postin on morning and after when i get with the programme again lol

Sorry...didnt mean to put you off!! Its ok really....you feel as high as a kite!! :lol:

lol now i cant wait

24-04-2006, 22:19
u will be fine, stop being a bloody pansey! :lol:

24-04-2006, 22:20
you'll be ok mate, it really is weird, they ask you to count to 10 and when you wake up all you will remember is counting to at the most 3 and you will have desert mouth and thats about it tbh, just dont eat 6 hours before the op and you wont throw up mate :wink: i'd never had one before and i had 2 in 6 hours and i didnt feel sick, you do feel weird after, it asnt my best idea ever to walk down to the front doors to have a ciggy about 4 2 hours after as i nearly fell over cos i went all weak :lol: but tbh mat you will be ok

24-04-2006, 22:23
you'll be ok mate, it really is weird, they ask you to count to 10 and when you wake up all you will remember is counting to at the most 3 and you will have desert mouth and thats about it tbh, just dont eat 6 hours before the op and you wont throw up mate :wink: i'd never had one before and i had 2 in 6 hours and i didnt feel sick, you do feel weird after, it asnt my best idea ever to walk down to the front doors to have a ciggy about 4 2 hours after as i nearly fell over cos i went all weak :lol: but tbh mat you will be ok

ill get a big drink sorted then for after lol,just first time and cant stop thinkin about it,im sure all will be good and ill defo feel better when its done

24-04-2006, 22:23
i didnt eat for over 12hr before! oh but was only allowed to eat ice cream after lol quality!!!! :D

24-04-2006, 22:25
you'll be ok mate, it really is weird, they ask you to count to 10 and when you wake up all you will remember is counting to at the most 3 and you will have desert mouth and thats about it tbh, just dont eat 6 hours before the op and you wont throw up mate :wink: i'd never had one before and i had 2 in 6 hours and i didnt feel sick, you do feel weird after, it asnt my best idea ever to walk down to the front doors to have a ciggy about 4 2 hours after as i nearly fell over cos i went all weak :lol: but tbh mat you will be ok

ill get a big drink sorted then for after lol,just first time and cant stop thinkin about it,im sure all will be good and ill defo feel better when its done
lol you will get lots of water mate and at first you get these crazy mouth swabs when you first wake up jst so you dont chuck any liquid up, tbh the swabs do jack shit and you;ll be praying to get on the ward for some liquid drink!

24-04-2006, 22:28
you'll be ok mate, it really is weird, they ask you to count to 10 and when you wake up all you will remember is counting to at the most 3 and you will have desert mouth and thats about it tbh, just dont eat 6 hours before the op and you wont throw up mate :wink: i'd never had one before and i had 2 in 6 hours and i didnt feel sick, you do feel weird after, it asnt my best idea ever to walk down to the front doors to have a ciggy about 4 2 hours after as i nearly fell over cos i went all weak :lol: but tbh mat you will be ok

ill get a big drink sorted then for after lol,just first time and cant stop thinkin about it,im sure all will be good and ill defo feel better when its done
lol you will get lots of water mate and at first you get these crazy mouth
swabs when you first wake up jst so you dont chuck any liquid up, tbh the swabs do jack s**t and you;ll be praying to get on the ward for some liquid drink!

lol,said there giving me some tablets before hand to stop me bein sick,dont know if they work by the sounds of it lol

24-04-2006, 22:29
i didnt eat for over 12hr before! oh but was only allowed to eat ice cream after lol quality!!!! :D

lol sorted then

24-04-2006, 22:33
Its the weirdest feeling when u come round...u feel really out of it,and you just want things to be normal, cant really explain it but makes me feel funny.... :(

where can i get sum of this stuff? :lol:

24-04-2006, 22:41
you'll be allright mate, my bro was diagnosed with cancer unfortunately 7 weeks ago, they removed his right ball and nows he's on a 12 week course of chemo, at least your getting sorted and haven't got to go through too much :) be as lazy as you can after the op :wink:

24-04-2006, 22:41
Haha....come and see me at the next meet!! :wink: :lol:

24-04-2006, 22:44
you'll be allright mate, my bro was diagnosed with cancer unfortunately 7 weeks ago, they removed his right ball and nows he's on a 12 week course of chemo, at least your getting sorted and haven't got to go through too much :) be as lazy as you can after the op :wink:

really sorry to here that mate,wish him all the best.

concider myself lucky now and stop bein such a wimp.
when i was waitin results i was so scared

24-04-2006, 22:45
cheers, he's been given 95% chance of full recovery so it's allright :)

No need to say you're a wimp or owt mate, anybody would be worried/scared when waiting for results/first operation

24-04-2006, 22:47
cheers, he's been given 95% chance of full recovery so it's allright :)

No need to say you're a wimp or owt mate, anybody would be worried/scared when waiting for results/first operation

wouldnt wish the wait on my enemy though never mind results.
still ill be fighting fit again soon and so will he

24-04-2006, 22:48
indeed :D

24-04-2006, 22:50
and ready for these other meets and country roads lol

25-04-2006, 06:09
I've never had an actual scheduled operation but when I cut my side open I had to have a general anesthetic and it was weird. Not scary but its weird as you have no recollection of when you've been asleep.

Just make sure you're calm when they're giving you the anesthetic. It's the same with anything if you're shitting yourself when they give you it it won't be good but if you're calm its fine.


Clio b
25-04-2006, 08:43
Good Luck with it hun.... sure u'll be fine and dandy.... dont worry bout it :D

25-04-2006, 21:17
thanks ppl,
just give me the fruit etc at fcs lol

25-04-2006, 21:38
thanks ppl,
just give me the fruit etc at fcs lol

getting no fruit off me ya slag, can give u a kneeing to lower regions instead lol :wink: :lol:

25-04-2006, 21:38
lol your such a nice person lol

25-04-2006, 21:44
:lol: :wink: :P

29-04-2006, 02:22
how bad is this lol.went to hospital,sat around waiting for my op,got gown on and numbin cream on my hand for canular.finally comes to my turn.went into the theatre room an fainted,i was so scared.took me back out and sorted my head out,went in again and did same lol.i know its stupid and sounds pathetic but never ever have i been through the fear i felt walkin through that door to theatre.surgeon said "think we better leave it for today and get you in 1st on the list on new appointment and give you some valium to calm you down as soon as you come in" tbh at first i was a litte nervous but as the que got smaller and closer to my turn i began to shit it lol.thought they would have knocked me out then taken me in.that was the most frightening moment i have ever been through and it proved to be to much to handle.what a dickhead do i feel now :oops:
i asked them why they couldnt just do it when i was out and when they give u the needle to but u out,its all controlled where as that aint and is to much of a high risk to keep u out.
gotta wait again now for a few weeks to get in.

Clio b
29-04-2006, 08:59
Awww bless ya... try not to worry so much... its all gonna go fine i'm sure :D

29-04-2006, 11:13
Everythin will be fine mate. Unless you wake up with a sore arse you have no need to worry :lol:

29-04-2006, 11:22
... or with no bollocks like that bloke in the paper the other day.


29-04-2006, 11:56
lol that would be my luck.
just wanna get it sorted though,
like i said though it was the most frightening think ive been through

29-04-2006, 12:10
:) years ago i was shittin it before an operation
to calm me down they gave we some yellow eggs(tablet type mogadons or summat )
by the time the op came i couldnt give a shit as i was slurring chat up lines to the nurse :)
ask for some eggs :wink: u wont give a shite :lol: