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11-04-2006, 19:43
hey looking for some help,my williams already has a stainless steel exhaust fitted but it seems to be knocking alot,it looks like a custom one thats on it,im thinking about putting a new system on and was wondering wot other people wher using and if ther was any problems with other systems


11-04-2006, 19:58
probably knockin on the torsion bar, may just need new rubbers??

11-04-2006, 19:58
Known problem for them to rattle ont eh rear beam, esp if its lowered, or the scorpioin ones sometimes rattle on the backbox heatshield at the top

11-04-2006, 20:28
and worse if the dog bone mount is worn

11-04-2006, 20:45
mine rattles aginst the torsion bar and is slightly off centre on the rear bumper, gets on your t*ts when the cars hot

11-04-2006, 22:14
my scorpion system fits fine, only time it has ever knocked iswith ppl in the car, when arse end is down lol

12-04-2006, 01:37
dont waste money on a new one just get it fitted proper

12-04-2006, 17:39
thanks for the advice,had it on the ramp at my work,its is knocking on the torsion bar and the rear bumper,doesnt look like the bend over the torsion bad is high enuff,its not been lowered yet not sure if i should deos it make the handleing much better?

12-04-2006, 18:19
all u need is an old belt and a big fook off tie-tag! that stopped mine knockin on me rear axle! 8)