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03-04-2006, 12:31
Mine is going shite
Due to car being in the garage my lift was late, so was late to my appointment, didnt impress the clients!
Then got back from that got into the office and spilt coffee all over my £600 ****in suit, ruined!

and it soaked thru to my shirt meanng i look a right tramp at the moment!
then i get a deal from my supplier, 1st deal and we had to reject it, after all the bullshit i gave him saying Shire Leasing are brilliant at getting deals accepted, i rejected it, so prolly no more biz off him

now lets see how this avo goes :(

03-04-2006, 12:35
i told my boss i think the way he runs the company is very poor, and he doenst invest enough time in his trainee's and expects them to attain higher than possible levels of work. i also told him that i had talked to other legal bodies about the level of training he was legally obliged to provide as they are "investors in people accredited". I also told him what levels of training other comapanies give and compared it to his. needless to say i have a "meeting" at the end of the day with him. So good bye job

btw this all went down like a lead balloon

03-04-2006, 12:54
I'd be on the booze by now if that happened to me lol.

Jamie go into the meeting and be kind to him, ask how hes feeling, if his family are well etc. And if he sacks you say thankyou. It'll piss him off much more than you having a go at him lol.

See ya


03-04-2006, 13:32
Mines going pretty good so far.

Had a lie in

Made a huge bacon butty and a nice cup of tea.

Had an immensley satisfying shit

Did some work on the new bass

Tormented the cat

03-04-2006, 13:37
I drove an hour and a half away from home to be told i'm needed now - So back again I went.. 3hrs for nothing in the worst thing on four wheels + traffic...

Now I have to sit at home trying to keep my mind on my course when all I want to do is bid on random things on ebay and post in here!

Clio b
03-04-2006, 14:56
I spent all mornin going thru my bosses parking tickets he got over the weekend and arguing with the garage he uses coz they quoted over £700 just to replace his rear quarter window on his scooby!

then went on lastminute.com to order my thorpe park tickets for a day out next week!

now i spent the afternoon trying to sort out where me and lucy r goin in august! narrowed it down to laganas, ibiza or malia!

so my day has been ok! bit bored now tho!

03-04-2006, 15:03
this course is doing my tits in - it lies!

me and Cheryl are supposed to have sorted where we're going now but she keeps bloody forgetting to ask her boss - which stops me asking mine which....

It'll be the day before we're going before we've even decided where we're going!

03-04-2006, 15:08
ive got the week off. got up, rolled a fat one, put music on.

rolling a fatter one now.


03-04-2006, 15:22
rolling a fatter one now.


Mmmm you gotta love pancakes - sugar and a smidge of lemon 8)

03-04-2006, 15:52
job hunting! oh the joys! :( nowt yet but ive sent out 16 CV's to local companies!

03-04-2006, 21:04
Shit, stuck in work doing assignments for uni due in on Thursday, structural mechanics is a bitch! Gonna be late every night till it's done.... :(

03-04-2006, 21:43
this avo wasnt so bad :D
got a date and went to get my willy wheels

:D good stuff

04-04-2006, 08:44
leave week day 2.

more tunes. more pancakes.

04-04-2006, 08:45
more tunes. more pancakes.

good lad - pancakes rock :wink:
and some how make the world seem a better place and make ur more hungry :D

Clio b
04-04-2006, 09:03
mmm pancakes..... with lots of lemon juice and sugar.... rolled up... yum!

04-04-2006, 09:09
mmmm, this is the earliest i've been up in 2 weeks, another week of long lies ahead, back to work for three weeks, then i'm taking NINE weeks off, and getting paid :twisted: :lol: