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Thread: Hi from Azores!

  1. #1

    Hi from Azores!

    Hello! I'm Julio, and I live in Terceira Island, Azores.
    My father bought my Williams three years ago, it was in very bad shape, but as I was studying in Portugal, I've never got the chance to start the proper restoration of the car.
    So now, that I finished my studies, I'm working on the car, starting from the interior and trying to get a completly rust free car!

    I will create my restoration thread on the forum, and I hope I can count on you guys to help me, answering my questions!


    (Sorry for the bad english!)

  2. #2
    Boas td bem?

    Vou seguir atentamente o teu projecto.


  3. #3
    Founder FATBOY's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    welcome julio! enjoy your stay get some pics of your project up!!

  4. #4
    Thanks guys! I've already uploaded two pics of the car on the williams 1 owner register, i'll post some more, but I don't know where to start the thread, since I don't have the premium membership to put it on the projects forum


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