changed the battery on the car last night as it was ****ed, so decided to go for a drive to the unit with Laura in her new beasty... nothing doing on the way there, but on the way back I'm in Wilmslow with some cock smuggler right on my ass and coming onto the RA he goes tanking it past... game on!

Booted it and gave chase, but he then gets held up by another car, so by this time Laura is at the side of him and we're off again! I was sat behind him not trying too hard and Laura was right along side him until she hit the limiter and gave up... I continued on, went over and RA and had to brake so not to hit his barge and then we were off again... he moved over at about 60 and I shot past pretty easily and left him for dead and about 30 seconds later he comes storming past at what must have been 150mph! :o

Good fun, not sure if he was toying with us though, as I'd expect a car with a massive engine like that to be nigh on unbeatable... ah well, he got Cliowned