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  1. #21
    J o n
    COD2 is great online on the PC, but tbh I hate FPS' on console's, and it's a PC port, which means it's a complete waste of time imo... i'd wait and get a next gen game, like Fight Night or whatever comes out next that's good... i'd deffo recommend it on the PC though

  2. #22
    Forum User
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    Nov 2004
    Ipswich Suffolk
    I use to love playing fps on the PC and like you Jesus never thought I'd get used to the Xbox - but now love the conveninece of one controller instead of mouse and keyboard - COD2 is brilliant on 360 - crap on Xbox and brilliant on PC - BLACK is brilliant on XBox as is far cry instincts - Ghost Recon 2 advanced warfare is unbelievable on 360 - if you thought the graphics were good on COD2 then wait tillyou see this game - only on 1st mission but pretty difficult so far - AI is pretty clever which keeps you on your toes

  3. #23
    Forum User Jamie.'s Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    far cry insitcints on me old xbox was a superb game, one of my favourites.

  4. #24
    J o n
    Trio - yeah, it will be delayed again too, trust me. the problem with the processors as I explained above has a more serious knock on effect, in that games are being developed but they dont know what hardware it will be running on. The only chance the PS3 has is to wait until better technology is out, as Sony's effort at quad core cell based CPU's was a flop... plus I also hear they are having problem with blue ray... yet more excuses and set backs... imo get a 360, the PS3 will only be similar at best, but I like the Xbox ideals more, it's a media center which the PS3 wont be, plus there is no capacity to store stuff on the PS3 and piracy is limited... boooo

    Snakeyladey - problem with COD2 on the 360 is it's the same version, but ported from the PC, so it's not a proper title. I'm only going to pay for the official 360 enhanced games personally, things like PGR3 etc... I'm too much of a cheapskate to get non next gen games lol. If you have COD2 on the PC get yourself on line, I play it most afternoons after work for an hour or so :P

    Jamie, what's Far Cry instincts? I have the original Far Cry, is it out on PC you know??

    oh, another great game for the PC is F.E.A.R ... it's proper ****ed up and scary, but ace!

  5. #25
    Forum User
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    Ipswich Suffolk
    Jesus - Far Cry instincts is a brill Xbox game - fps with added twist that you pick up different abilities based on animals - such as enhanced sight - feral attack with your fists etc - is now out on 360 with add on levels - you're stuck on an island basically with a whole load of bad guys - if you don't have it on xbox get the 360 version - graphics are awesome and gameplay is pretty cool too.

    Used to play a lot on line with the PC - mostly battlefield 1942 - counterstrike and a Vietnam game [can't remeber the full titile] brilliant fun but doubt the old PC would be up for it now my sone has pretty much used up all the memory - it feels very sluggish - but will hopefully be LIVE soon

  6. #26
    Forum User Jamie.'s Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    jesus, yea far cry is on pc, aint played it on the pc like but well worth it imo. fooking brilliant game, although once u get ur abilities the game gets v easy, i thought it was a tough game to begin with, thats one of the only games i truly miss on me old xbox

    re:fear, got that too, act im selling it on ebay at the mo, brilliant game just a little too short i think.

    i also bought cod2 for xbox and im not disapointed at all seems v good. i saw cod bg red one or summit? that on the 360? that looked good.

  7. #27
    J o n
    hmm, well I may give Instincts a go then guys, but I'll download it for the PC first and play the single player through, as I was very disappointed with the online play of Far Cry, takes a full magazine to put someone down, no location damage either...

    I seriously think if you have a good enough PC then COD2 on the PC is the one to have though, I couln't get into it as much on 360, but on the PC it's like a different game... then again the mod community helps, as I have the ultra violence patches so their heads explode into grey fragments when they get shot n stuff... adds a bit more realism anyway :D

    and for all you 360'ers I found this which is good news, who fancies paying £25 per 360 game?

    sign up for points here:

    and then once you have done that go here and follow the links and use the codes:

    my mate at work has so far bought his Xbox though on Quidco (as have I) and saved I have saved £55 over a package at Game for the same things. I bought my games with my 360, but my mate has bought all of his from these people and paid around £25 per game... beats the hell outta £50 a game!

  8. #28
    Forum User Mattie's Avatar
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    FORMERLY known as iLL_MoVeS
    talkin of cheep games.....any1 kno where u can get a cheep 360?

    ill def buy 1 now if i can pick a cheep 1 up with the HDD


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