A while back a sent away a form to the DVLA looking for the full history of #0227. Today I recieved that history through the post. I was more interested in where the car was registered new. So anyway, on the application for a licence for a new motor vehicle and declaration for registration form. I found that original dealer was Newpark Garage, 109 Alccester Road, Studley, Warickshire. I looked them up and sadly found out that its no longer a Renault dealership but actually now a private second hand car dealership. I called the garage and they told me its not been a Renault garage for 16 years or so. Also on the same form It shows the Selling Dealer which was Lookers, Chemlsford, Southend Road, Howe Green, Chelmsford, CM2 7TD. I found that this is still a renault garage and gave them a call.

They couldn't help me as the car has not had anything to do with them since more or less new. Actually they were really nippy with me because I was asking for info on the car even though I explained that I as restoring the car and I was the owner. What i'm really wanting is if possible is a dealership rear window sticker and number plates with the dealership on them from the time. Does anyone know of the garage? Or know how I can have orignial dealer stickers that can be re-produced? Number plates that can be made with the dealership name on them? Help would be greatly appreciated....