Hi all,

I've not posted here much but have had my Willy a good few months now, it's a second car and I've not had much time to use it, but when I have I've noticed a few issues that are beginning to bug me.

The car runs perfectly when cold, no idling problems or anything. But after a few miles and it starts to warm up then it begins to hesitate all over the place. Cruising at 40mph or so and the car will suddenly jerk and jolt, you can sometimes mash the accelerator to spring her to life but a few times now it has completely cut out! Eeeek! :(

It's odd as sometimes it will also accelerate itself along and you can be stationary at the lights with the revs going up to 2000 odd, grrr!

Some days it's fine though, Sunday I had a good half an hour run out and suffered no problems at all ... was blooming loving it. Decided to take it to work on Wednesday and it conked out half way there, grrrr! Makes me reluctant to use it at all as I just fear it's going to play up and leave me stranded in the middle of the road somewhere!

Help !!
