I'm looking for more indepth info on the clio williams ideally, as im about to pick on up tomorrow.

I just need to know about the pressure on the dials while in idle state. What size are the front brakes and is it worth upgrading and what to. Im thinking laguna 2.0/2.5v6 setup or are the williams brake more than upto the job?

with regards to the rear torsion bars do these often suffer from bush break down can they be replaced eaisly or are they more of a pig to do. ?

Ive only ever had a clio 16v and been into vauxhalls and vag so i know what bits i can rob of other cars to replace or modify my own. But with french stuff im a lil cluless.

I did try to go Premium member, i do not have a paypal and my girlfriend has no money in her account typical lol.