Been outt tonight and had a few beers. Living witrh the G/F means i dont get out as much as i used toio. Bit sad aiont it when the misses is in bed n i'm on the laptop. LOL.

I've got someone looking at the valver next weeekend, so was talking to a renaultt technician mate of mine and he said the only clio to have was the williams. He reckons the williams is in the right hands is faster thann a 172. Out od curisoity how easy are rearr arches to get done? On my old valver the arches were rusting and noone around here (aylesbury) would do them. Thats why i sold it and bought the naples vsalver.

Hmmmm dedcisions decisions, vr6 172 or willie.faster than a 172.