First problem the radiator went when i first got the car, and the pin on the throttle cable to hold it on idle decided to depart leaving me with a car that cut out on idle.

Sorted all these and treated her to a new set of shiney rims.... altho there 17's bit big but look the part.

Then it thaught a service would do the valver a bit of good so armed with plugs filter and 10w 40 set to work.

Once the oil was changed i started the car up to find it tapping like hell!!!

Warmed up the car run fine.... cold it tapped it's little heart out.

Think what has happened it that the 10w 40 is too thick when cold to flow properly... so starving the top end when cold.

Going to try some 5w 30 see if that makes a difference.

An eventful time... but its all part of the fun of owning a Valver.

Still trying to find a rain catch for my bonnet and a heat sheeld if anyone has either for sale.

Anyway thats my little update on the Valver lol