Just a little update Guys - As most of you are aware im in the final stages of buying a house. (completion is next friday) Currently i have had to put on hold buying the membership cards....this site has already taken £500 of my money and i just carnt afford to complete the final stages untill mid july.

So membership cards will be sent out to all my members around july time. The design is done - but im unsure if i should get the more expensive plastic card, or stay with a laminated paper one....Mmmmm

Once the cards are inplace and numbered (numbering will be done from your registered forum number (in order of payed members) and then after the date everyone payed on for people who join after) There will be a section to show all the payed members and there numbers.

Once this is in place i will carry on with the membersection on the home page. This area will be for members to upload and create a page about there car/cars. Again im learing HTLM at min so its not going to happen over night.
