View Full Version : FAO Mr Jon Barrett

06-10-2011, 17:24
Somehow your Hotmail account is spamming my works e-mail!

3 I've had today alone.

Took me fookin ages to figure out who Jon Barrett was/is! :lol:

14-10-2011, 11:49
lol Jon computer newbie :D

14-10-2011, 12:15
might be quicker to facebook him Merv - you can report other peopls hotmail emails spamming though your settings.

2 live
17-10-2011, 09:56
lol.....sorry merv. iv been having a few probs. am unable to sort at mo cos sky, bsstards, are taking far tooooo long to get my broadband up n running so have no internet on pc. shouldnt b long before i can get online now. i hope.

02-11-2011, 10:46
No worries dude. :D

2 live
02-11-2011, 10:50
should be all sorted now mate. let me know if u get any more.

02-11-2011, 11:45
you are still spamming the forum :P

2 live
02-11-2011, 12:10

02-11-2011, 12:24

Playing the victim dont suit you bro !! :D